

cynical ramblings
/I don't want a political debate - so don't start one pls/

Machinery. Artificial intelligence. Masses controlled like livestock – men, women and children alike. They feed you this chemical, that chemical. Look at the ever-expanding smog and the ease of cloaking hidden nasties within it. We’re ruled by a concealed dictatorship, many parties bearing faces of opponents, when the reality is the only true opposition.
I’m a mad man they say, perverted by my own devised theories. I’m not mad, it’s the planet; mass hysteria on a global scale. Anyone believing anything that hasn’t been indoctrinated into their troglodytic brains.
They are not to blame.
Over decades of being spoon-fed the tyrannical capitalist bullshit, they all dream of larger homes, faster cars, and sweatshop produced clothing embossed with cheap polyester thread in certain designs to increase the price by an absurd amount. Why have us once great species succumbed to the abysmal existence of perceived value. Instead of prospering into ‘civilization’ we have retracted into a cancerous growth; destroying an abundance of life as we rapidly descend into oblivion.
Oh, how I dream of it.
‘Chaos was the law of nature; Order was the dream of man’ A famous quote of Henry Adams. Though we look at animals still abiding to their instinctive behaviours as somewhat barbaric, however when you’re absorbing the landscape in a rural area you can see the delicate balance of nature. Even in death, there is life. Once we die our energy can not be destroyed, just transferred. Immortalizing us In an inane fashion.
We live in a dystopian world where 1% are entitled to whatever their heart most desires, while almost half the world struggle to provide shelter, food and fresh water. We see politician's promising change but providing just scandals. How can anyone sleep at night, knowing this. Knowing that just a fraction of one person’s wealth could send the world into a harmonious state of civilisation.
Money however, is the worst addiction anyone can encounter. We’ve associated larger numbers to a better life, people fighting tooth and nail just to horde. Forgive me if I sound entitled, I may be biased, but if we just worked amongst ourselves to provide for our peers and acquaintances, solely for prosperity – almost like the honey-bee colony, a living example.
You may read this as some communist propaganda bollocks, however my mitigation towards that is that every species only need a habitat, food and to reproduce to exist. Why are we any different? As cynical as it may be, we are just mammals.
These are just my thoughts, I don’t expect anyone but myself to agree or even to understand. Though I sit dormant, unable to make a huge impact, a slither hope resides within me.
That I am entitled to.