

Don't Call Me Angel. Prolouge.
She was a stranger. She was nothing to me. She was a trash. She...

"She's the girl who stole your heart, my dear."

I glared at Caret who's sitting comfortably on my chair. She's not supposed to do that specially in my territory.

"Why don't you give it a try? Besides, you can call her anytime. You have her call card."

It seems like she's not affected by my glare and played on it.

"Oh! Maybe I should invite her over!"

That's it. I'm done. I pulled her out of my chair and sat on it. I fixed my coat and breathe heavily. I looked at her and then fixed the stack of paper that she almost read.

"Maybe you should invite her in your place and stop disturbing me. I've got lots of work to do."

I can see how she rolled her eyes at me. I thought she'll leave but she just walked around my office.

"C'mon, just give me her number or maybe her name! Hmm, as far as I can remember her name somehow resembles to umm... Yeah! Angela? Am I right?"

I closed my eyes as memories from last night came flashing back.

Damn. Her hair, her eyes, her nose, her cheeks, and her goddamm lips. Her body, her movements. Her touch. And f-k her voice! I can't forget what she told me when she slipped her call card to me before she leave...

"Call me, Angel."