

Deadly Sin Sisters
There was a knock on the door. I looked over to Lyra, unsure if we should answer it. She stood up, and walked over to the window, peaking out through the curtains. Then, she unlocked the door, and walking in was Amarah, Sithe, and Riah. Riah dragged a corpse behind her, and roughly tossed it in front of me. "You know what you gotta do." She said removing her black gloves, stained slightly with red. I nodded, and grabbing the corpse's ankles, dragged it to a door in the kitchen.

I got used to seeing my sisters drag a corpse home during a hunt. It wasn't unusual when they came home stained in blood that wasn't they're own. We were the 'Seven Deadly Sins Sisters'. A title given to us by the authorities. Usually the older four, Amarah, Sithe, Riah, and Dagon, went on hunts. Sometimes for fun. Sometimes to just blow off steam. Other times just to show off. I was after Dagon. Tessa's my name. I'm the dissecter of our little operation. I usually don't go on hunts unless I need to bring my work to the prey's habitat. Lyra is next after me. She's the seducer of us. Basically the bait for easy prey. The last is Anena, the youngest. She's still only a little girl yet, but she's reaching the age to go on hunts.

Finally, I got the corpse to my workshop. Laying him on the metal table, I stripped him from his clothes, and exterior objects, like his belt, watch, and ring. Then, I slipped on my lab coat, a pair of plastic gloves, and goggles. I pulled my instruments with me to the corpse. I took the scalpel, and started on my work.

I think dissecting's my happy place. It feels therapeutic when I cut into a prey's body, and remove it's organs, starting with the heart. I love the coolness of my workshop, only hearing the faint sounds of me cutting their skin, and buzz of the overhead light.

I was done at 12:55. Walking to the stairs that lead to the second floor to the rooms, I heard the older four arguing. I only got snips of the conversation, but payed no mind to it. I walked down the dark hall and turned right, facing my door. Then, I heard giggling. I turned to look at my left, but nothing was there. And when I looked to my right, there was still nothing. "Play with me." said a voice behind me. I sighed irritated, and turned around, no one face me, but when I looked down, I was met with the green eyes of Anena. She held her teddy bear to her chest as she smiled up at me, innocently. There was something perfect about her innocent look. Too perfect. "Play with me, Tessa." she said. I sighed running my hand through my brown hair. "Anena, I worked all night dissecting a catch. No, I don't want to play with you. So leave me alone." I said turning to my door. "I said," I turned back to see her eexpression darken, "Play with me." she said darkly looking up at me. I rolled my eyes. "And I said," I turned the knob of my door, "Leave me alone." And I stepped in, shutting my door behind me. I fell onto my bed, sighing outloud. Then, I stared at the ceiling till I fell asleep. The next day, I woke up to the sounds of yelling, and arguing. Unable to tune them out, I trudged downstairs, my body feeling like lead. Then, when I got to the base of the staircase, I whistled loudly stopping the arguing. "What the hell is so important that you guys need to settle it this early in the morning?" I asked annoyed and tired. "Come see for yourself." Riah said jabbing her finger to something in Dagon's hand. I walked down, now curious, of what could have made them have the need to deal with so early. Then, as I got a clear view of what it was, I gasped. Because, Dagon brought back, a living boy.