

Deliberations ,with saint Matthew, said ,that at a time of life .We could be reposed .But to a more definitive gesture ,why ...not ,huh ?At a closing the old ,ghosts, of, Norwood where better, is'd ,say .And as better social stand points we were given life. "..Suggestions ,huh ,not really its just ,that ,Old Myers ,farm,... is, so ,far away ".The negative ,outs ..i had on ,that were commercial .And because of that we feared ...that redoubling the cost of life would re -re river, us .Getting thrown out, is.. so stupid" .And because of that.... the river was all ,we, knew..cared about and deservered.As in different means we were more than what we could even dream or radically say requiet...the differences....
© Ronald R Woods Jr African American 355-xx-xx23 1/13/2022