

The Broken Pieces of Glass
(When we think back on our first experiences, we recall how they were not what we expected and did not provide us with the satisfaction we desired. Write a tale to go along with it.)

Light was gleaming on the glasss splinters mixed with her blood. The broken pieces of glass were covered with her tear drops. She was as motionless as corpse.
These shattered glass pieces were once intact, so was her heart and there stood a magnificent castle of glass in place of this rubble, the exquisite glass castle she made together with the love of her life. Each piece they were joining represented a dream, commitment or an adorable moment they spent together.
The man showed this coruscating castle of love to his people, the people who were allergic to "Love". They cried, manipulated and blackmailed him into smashing the castle for them. The man promptly took out number of stones from his pocket as if he were waiting for this moment and started pelting the delicate castle mercilessly with stones to make his people happy. As the woman saw him throwing the first stone she started begging him earnestly, trying to remind him their love and commitments, scolding and slapping him, shouting at him, joining hands to cadge mercy but all in vain. The man was so determined to be remembered as a "good" son that he never realised that he was sacrificing not only his so-called happiness but also a life after playing with it during peaceful days. The castle of their love fell to pieces after one last blow so did the woman's heart. The man had gone with his people who were happy and proud of their son's act. She was sitting on and staring at the ruins of her castle, harking back to the false promises he made and all the lies he told her.
A wayfarer who saw the whole incident from a distance came and stood beside the woman and said- 'well young lady, the drama king has gone. Now wipe your tears off, rise and fill my bhishti with water. I've a long way to travel today, so do you. Come on.' The woman frowned in annoyance and pain. The Oldman sat beside her and got a splinter of glass in his finger. 'Aah, these pricking pieces! Past is just like these broken glass pieces. And child, no matter how much time you spend time with them, they'll cut you deep everytime.'
'I wasted my love on a wrong person', said the woman and started crying. He gently patted her head like a father and said- 'aah! No my child. You misconstrued yourself then. This dilapidated castle never belonged to him. It belonged to YOU and YOUR LOVE which resides in you. I tell you a secret today. You, my child, have a vast ocean of love in you and what you gave to the undeserving kiddo was just a drop of the ocean. Now tell me if you think it's wasted. No? And if someone doesn't reciprocate your love, your love come back to you and universe brings the worthless relationship to an end for a best reason. You have to trust the signals of God. Now stand, fill my bhishti up and run. The mountains are waiting for you from ages.'
The last sentence of the Oldman surprised her, 'how do you know about the mountains?'
The man ignored her question- "Next time make your castle on the highest mountain with diamonds, not glass. Now stand up.'
As the woman was standing, a large piece of glass pierced her hand. She screamed out in pain but the Oldman shouted at her- "now that you've decided to stand for yourself, such obstacles will keep coming but there is no meaning of stoping and noticing a painful situation. Endure it, stand up, run, do not stop and NEVER look back. Your mountains are waiting for you."
#writco #prompt

© sunitanandhinee