

Precede To Pre-lead! Preceding Is Pre-leading!!
It turns out that hard work doesn't pay off. Success is not earned! It's given to you by your forefathers. Have you ever wondered why good things often come to some people more than others, why they have a better life and are respected more than others, why they always get what they want so easily and so quickly, why they always get the benefit of the doubt and a slap on the wrist whenever they make mistakes, why they are flawless and skilled at everything they do, why it is not hard for them to get along with everyone else, why they are everybody's favorite person to talk to or hang around, why they have nicer and fancier things, why they are financially established, and why they are so popular???? Technically it's because they came from a long line of family members that were great people and were decent, heroic, a smart leader, had lovely manners, made wise decisions, fought for justice, conquered and outsmarted their opponents, learned from their faults and their mishaps, cared for everyone and not only themselves, worked their butts off for the best till they bled and did not settle for less or for second best, played their cards exceptionally well, and aced all of the challenges that god; the devil; life itself; and society threw in their path. I guarantee you that if it were the opposite and if they had not done things the right way; there would not be any glory or victory to gain after their era was over. You have everything you want and everything you need because the people in your family who lived before you remembered to flush the toilet and remembered to unclog the toilet every time it overflowed, so nobody else wouldn't have to go through the trouble of doing it. Their baggage was taken to the dumpster and was not left mishandled or unattended to. That is why you're not lacking anything!! You are protected, you are loved, you are the center of attention, you are given smiles and warm welcomes when you are in public, you are able to get things done with ease, you are not penniless, and you are not experiencing prolonged hindrance or spiritual attacks aimed at you. Do you really think and believe that the blessings and the amazing assets you have is because of your hard work and your dedication? Well, I'm here to tell you that it's not; as your fairy! You ought to be on your knees right now giving your appreciation, saying thank you over a hundred times, and kissing the tombstones of your forefathers. They paved the way for you and the people in the generations that are coming in the future once you die and rot in the earth!! You wouldn't have anything if they didn't leave behind glorious treasures for you to get your hands on. Take a second thought, examine all of your options, consider any possible outcome or consequence that might occur, and be really cautious of every step you take!! Today is tomorrow and tomorrow is today! What you do in the present molds the future!! One wrong turn can leave a permanent stain that won't go away and an everlasting disaster that is unrepairable or could potentially sabotage you and everyone else. Reaching a temporary period of trials and tribulations is something that everybody deals with! It is the fee and the bind of existing and being a human being. No one lives a life without difficulty!! Struggling is a complication that happens to all of us.... Even those with the highest success have issues and worries, but for a problem to never progress and to stay the same after countless attempts have been made to alter and resolve the problem is not normal. That is a sign of demonic activity or ancestral obstruction leaking into the present! When you make a change; the change should manifest!! Someone is going to do the things that were done to them to someone else and that person is going to do it to another!! What someone did not get that they should have had or wanted; will be gotten by someone else and that person will share it with them if they did not mistreat them when they did not have it. If someone eats all of the food and doesn't save some for anyone else; you will starve and will not get the chance to eat. If someone opens a passage that was locked and destroyed both the lock and the key; the door will forever remain open for others to pass. If you are last and if the first set of people before you were reckless, selfish, or irresponsible, and decided not to stash and secure anything vauable or useful in a safe place with access to be able to get a hold of it; nobody after them would have anything to help them or to benefit from in their time of need. If everyone was served one beverage a day and had no other choice but to drink the beverage from the same cup at the same time; everyone would get sick if one person out of the bunch poisons the drink or has a cold that others can catch!! This is how cycles form and increase!! The base of a cycle is the action after the action. Not the action alone!!!
What goes down and what goes on around me in public or in private is not the center of my world and is not something I depend every speck of my life upon!! It does not excite me or amaze me, it does not sustain me or complete me, I have no concern for it, and it is damn sure not why I live or breathe everyday. They can do anything they feel they must do for whatever objective that counts as significant to them!! Their picking of whichever act that must be taken and whichever performance that must be performed can be either wholesome and fruitful or it can be the lowest of the lowest and the scummiest of all that is scummy. Although I gotta say; it has usually and has mostly been the scum of the earth type of stuff and not exactly wholesome!! The selections of theirs have never and have not once been the cherry on top of an ice cream sundae or the sweet frosting on top of a cake!! Everything they do is not equivalent to nothing that is brighter and greater than the vomit triggering stench of a heaping pound of animal feces mixed with human feces that has been sitting out for days and are a few weeks old.....Attracting bugs with other repulsive things and the putrid eye watering odor traveling from a far distance!! The short answer is I don't care!! It's not what they're doing. It's accepting the reality of being related to them, the reality of being thrown into a mess they instigated without my consent, and the reality of being forced to take the place of a defenseless guinea pig that gets tested on at any unexpected time and is stuck with the lingering side effects that the tests cause!! I did not sign up for this and I did not have any knowledge of what was storming under the mask and within the fog before god's late arrival at the last minute when the worst that could happen had already been done by the evildoers. The hot pot of water was boiling over at the timing of the truth reveal. Jesus was tardy and was not early like I felt he should've been!! The blanks haven't been filled out yet and the question of why he allowed the chaos to go on as long as it has and why he let the innocent remain clueless after being unknowingly brought into the chaos is still unanswered, but god is god and god is always right; as the pastors in church says and as to what was written in bibles. However, I have a different opinion. I don't think there is a good enough reason to extend the suffering of people who didn't do anything wrong and keeping them oblivious to fall inside of the enemy's web. I guess soon he will come forward and tell us in the end but until then we are screwed!! Myself, my mother, and the new people that are about to be caught up in this and restrained. It is disintegrating my soul to have to lay in an uncomfortable bed of dirt and garbage that I didn't make. They made it for me!!!! My wrists and my ankles are tied tight and my clothes were torn off of my lifeless body that is suffering from health failure due to spiritual ambush and is covered in welts, bruises, burns, cuts, and other harsh wounds and imperfections. I am empty, frail, and naked!! All I can do is lie there like a vegetable, stare into space like a statue, and swallow whatever they dish out with cameras in my face recording my abuse, torment, and humiliation. I can't fight back, I can't avoid it, I can't bypass it, I can't stop it, I can't carry out an escape plan, and I can't help myself. I am so trapped that there is no way for me to be rescued!!!! The hole is too deep to dig myself out! Someone else has to pull me up. I tried my very hardest to find an exit and to clean the trash they placed in front of me to prevent me from moving ahead, but every time I cleaned one portion; they would make more piles of trash in the middle of my cleaning process and every time I searched for a door to get out of the situation; it would lead me to the wrong direction and wasn't the right door. It was just a fake door; "polished up" and presented to look like it was a real exit to mislead me and deceive me. My effort wasn't sufficient because what I first thought I was battling against was something normal, mundane, and short term..... Plus I was tricked to believe that I was the problem that needed to be corrected and was responsible for the cyclic series of outrage that I endured!! Once it came clear to me that this is something supernatural and something outside of the physical realm that has been happening long before my life began; the fighting urge inside of me came to a sudden standstill. The spirit to fight is frozen and right now I am leaning on the fence; grieving for my loss at the edge of the playground; looking around with an emotionless defeated look on my face while everyone else is laughing, living their lives, following their dreams, making money, partying, and having a great time. I am watching and saying in my head, "Look at what I was supposed to have if I had not been born into the family that god chose for me to be a part of." Then there goes the people who aren't going through what I am going through and are not in my shoes; telling me things like, "Get up and do something!!"....."Stop being lazy and go after what you want!"....."Stop expecting miracles to come to you!"...."Nothing is hand delivered to you!"..... "You can't sit on your butt and do nothing; otherwise you'll never have nothing!"
Now let's pause for a minute and fastforward.... This is me talking in response to their inconsiderate statements: What is the freaking point of striving for excellence when I know nothing will ever work? I stopped doing anything and decided to give it a rest because I was getting the same negative outcome for not months or days, but for years!! I saw no changes and I didn't see a difference; no matter what I did. I experimented with a variety of methods but none of them was the correct formula and neither of the methods bloomed or prospered in my favor! It is meaningless to make a move; knowing and realizing that any plan or idea you create will not end on a positive note. That is setting yourself up for failure and making a fool of yourself!! Trying to fix my crisis seemed to have caused the crisis to become more direful than it orginally was; to begin with. Whenever I made an effort in the past to fufill a goal of mine; a delay, a disruption, and a distressing predicament would crawl out of the woodwork when I least expected it to and while everything was going well. I hardly ever saw it coming beforehand because the speed of how it popped up was like the way that a slice of bread quickly rises as soon as it finishes cooking inside of a toaster, and sometimes the predicaments would put me in danger and almost kill me or physically harm me. If I accomplished something terrific or if I started something constructive such as a project or etc; there were limits and restrictions. I could only have it and could only do it for a brief amount of time before it was ruined and robbed from me. This wasn't once, twice, every now and then, or sometimes... It was literally every single time!! After the bad luck transpired; it would set me back and bring me back to square one again. I have done everything I could to the best of my ability to make something out of myself and to do something awesome with my life!! I gave all of my blood, sweat, and tears to try to achieve great things and things that I need to survive. I am a man as well as I am a woman. Not that I wanna be a man or consider myself as one but I do in fact have the strength of a man; emotionally, mentally, and physically in some ways!! Maybe that's another reason strangers sense a masculine sensation from me as the biological woman that I am and use guy pronouns to address me; besides the other reason that involves a gang of male ghostlike entities that are unholy and are smothering and crowded around my soul. It's that; plus my manly strength level. I can take a tumble, I can take a punishment, I can take embarrassment, and I can most certainly accept the dissatisfaction, the injust, and the barbarity of rarely, seldomly, and almost never having the freedom of or the relief of for once meeting a stranger that doesn't genuinely know who I am and are not pretending that they don't know me when they do... A stranger that is not privately working for my family or are either one of the members of my family; disguised as someone else.... Having my every lived moment recorded against my will and publicized for display for everyone to watch...... Having to wait, hope, ask, and beg other people to give me money to buy food, toiletries, clothes, shoes, toothpaste, and other stuff that is required to survive...... Having to sleep on the grass outside; with the itching and the irritation of insects crawling on my skin or biting my skin and laying on the concrete that scratches my skin and tears the fabric on my clothes; creating openings that exposes my birthday suit...... Being rained on and soaked in cold water whenever I can't find a place to go inside of or a spot outside with a roof to sit under to save me from getting wet in the rain...... Having to wake up and go to bed everyday in my own bodily filth because I can't properly take care of my hygiene..... Walking on foot to where I need to go until my feet are sore, burning, cramped, and injured because I have no money for a taxi, a bus, or an uber ride..... Being sexually approached and sexually manipulated by every guy that I meet instead meeting guys that are interested in my personality and do not see me or wish to pursue me as a sex object!! To my surprise; they were all scheduled to make an appearance in my world and to build a connection with me so they can have unprotected intercourse for the purposes of bringing forward a mini baby Satan to seal the deal, commit the sacrifice, and upgrade the generation of children of the devil. This isn't exactly how I pictured or expected my future to be when I was a little kid but whatever I guess. It is what it is!! Can't keep crying over spilled milk! My day will come when my father above the clouds in the sky says that it is my time to departure, and I know there is a possibility I could die in the nightmarish state that I am in. I might not never get the privilege and the opportunity to see for myself what it is like to actually live, to have a car, to work a job, to have friends, to have children, to have a soulmate, to have income, to be able to go back to participating in my hobbies that I love so much, to live in a pleasant house, to drive a car or have a chauffeur, to go out on a date, to get married, to get my GED, to be genuinely loved; liked; and accepted unconditionally, to go to school for what I love to do, to have bills and to pay my own bills, to have degrees; certificates; rewards; and trophies, to have nice accessories, to have a bathroom that I can use any time I please, to be able to have food to eat everyday and to not have to skip days, and so on and so forth. I wish it were different but that's okay!! I may suffer in this life but the suffering that the ones who are responsible are going to receive for doing this is coming back to them like a hammer to the head and like skin melting in lava. Getting by doesn't mean getting away!!! Their turn is coming soon, so be ready whomever and whatever you are! The same escorts who take souls to their doom that was sent to kidnap me and my mom will be picking you up next and you will finally drink your own piss that you've been making us drink. Let's see how much laughing you're going to be doing when you're strapped down in a boat; sailing to hell's kingdom with the dog Jesus you praise; waiting on you to enter his domain so he can dick ride you for eternity in the afterlife!! It doesn't matter what you do to me or to my loved one. You're still getting yours and I hope you receive it tenfold because I am tired of the crap ya'll are doing and I'm tired of the lord allowing you all to do it!
A person who lives a life of normality.....A person who doesn't have a contagious curse on them that spreads throughout the environment or pollutes everything they go near and everything they touch.....A person who wasn't born in a pack of meat hungry lions that are illegally wealthy bigshot elites of an unstoppable secret business ran by Lucifer and his wife Lilith who I think should've been named Luciferia, and a person who hasn't had multiple experiences that are spiritual and diabolical could never and could not have gone "head to head" or "toe to toe" with what is battling me. They would drop dead in a flash! Notice how I didn't say "what I am battling!" I said "what is battling me!" That there was no typing mistake. I purposely worded it in that manner because the beef wanted me!! Not me wanting the beef! I was on my way to my destination in life. Getting to where I had to go was the only important obligation of mine!! There were a couple of bumps that I had to smoothen out and some distractions that I had to push out of the walkway, so I could get across before traveling past a wrestling ring along the trail. When I first saw the ring; I didn't stop to observe. I glanced and kept going when suddenly I had gotten struck with the roughest pull of my realization. My arm was yanked so violently that I thought it was broken by the time I stood up off of the floor of the ring; quickly after I was dragged in and sadly to this day; I haven't left since. I had no intention to jump into the ring and take part in the fight. What is done to me against my free will and what I do on my own free will does not collaborate and are not in sync or on the same team; nor the same class group. Those two things are undoubtedly unalike!! One is upstairs and the other is downstairs. It's apples and oranges!! No one can be sure of anything that is unfamiliar and is unknown to them! Everything is a learning process. You have to explore something in order to have knowledge about it and to have an understanding of it!!! People do not fully know without a shadow of a doubt how they are going to react or which direction they would take if they were me and were walking on the sharp nails and the eggshells that I've walked on since the beginning of my days of living. They assume that they know for sure but they don't. They just open their mouth filled with spit and expel whatever flies out. Giving people a black eye, knocking everything over, tripping people to fall on their derriere, and breaking things to pieces from the starting second to the ending second of being expelled....all for the demented joy of and in the wrongfully undeserved respect of deeming them of their delusionally believed worthiness! Their image has to be spotless for the imaginary superiority contest that they think they are in and are thirsty to be the winner of; except it's not a real contest. It's just a contest they created in their psychotic brain. No one is playing or competing but them, and they love to hear themselves talk. To them, it's talking! To me, I can't hear anything. Words come out but they're not really saying anything. Preaching to me over and over about what they would've done if what happened to me had happened to them or what I should've done that I failed to do and what I should not have done that I did do.... In return I wanna say, "Okay god damn it! I'm not deaf. I heard you!! I'm dumb and you're a genius. I got the memo!! Congratulations on being perfect!!!!
First it was my mom who was stuck and now it's me!! They can see what we're doing and what we're wearing at every second.... They can monitor every number we call and every number we text.... They can view everything we purchase, the timing of each purchase, and sometimes prevent us from making the purchase..... They have infinite access to hack into our bank accounts and our electronic devices; including our cellphones.... They can make fraudulent charges and fraudulent withdrawals on our credit cards and our debit cards at any time and can block or lock our cards, so we won't be able to use them..... They can track us down in a split second wherever we are.... And they have employees all over the globe in every city, state, and country who secretly works for them and have hired to murder us, to embarrass us, to spy on us, to hurt us, to rape us, to rob us of our belongings, to stress us out and drive us insane, to stop and interrupt whatever plan we try to execute, to start arguments to provoke us so they can have a reason to fight us and to kill us or injure us during the fight or to lie to the cops and tell all sorts of lies to frame us in order to get both of us in trouble for things we didn't do and things we are not guily of. These are extremely powerful demon agents that can't be outran. That's why I'm not even trying anymore!! They're only going to keep winning like they always have, so why bother?? My destiny has already been set but not by Jesus Christ. #prior #pre #earlier #prequel
© Club Kira