

Memorial service
The veterans who gave their lives should be celebrated 365 days a year. Each and every one of our lives should be tailored for the chances and opportunities that we have been given since birth. There are very few countries on Earth that allow the poorest of people to become the richest. Your destiny is entirely yours and your failure is also entirely your fault. Many people gave their lives to free us from England 240 years ago. Documents and procedures were written to ensure a government that was for the people and by the people. It lasted many years and our country was tested quite a few times since. Wars, World war and recently fabricated wars, used by our politicians to line their pockets with billions of dollars while our young men died horribly wondering why they were there to begin with. These wars were perfect money laundering schemes once the politicians removed all of the checks and balances put in place to prevent such horrific events by our forefathers. The media used to be honest and point out the corruption to the people like the hunting dogs enthusiastically point out fresh kill. Then the media and the new outlets called social media realized that the huge money pie had plenty of slices for them too. The corruption has grown to such magnitude that all parties realized they didn't even have to hide it. It was made to be expected and part of the norm. Anyone attempting to interfere with their money laundering and thousands of other ways to amass their fortunes disappeared and sometimes made to be examples of what would happen to YOU, if you tried to uncover their satanic policies. Cures for fatal diseases are buried along with the ingenious researchers who discovered them because massive amounts of money would be lost to the powerful government officials and their jackal cohorts. a
Our forefathers thought they had the perfect plan to ensure that the people of America were in charge of the politicians. Using elections by the people, checks and balances and impeachment proceedings to rid the people of corrupt individuals.
The best laid plans of mice and men. Humans are devious and manipulative and they found ways to sidestep the Constitution and the nation's rules and regulations.
And our young men, women and animals all die to ensure the powers to be live like kings and queens, while they further suppress the people who are supposedly voting them in office.
The elections are as corrupt as the people in office, a lot of them lifelong `career politicians `.
Memorial day weekend. A government created three day weekend. Memorial day is May 30, no matter what day it falls on. Our soldiers are dying now, not for GOD and country, but for pure financial gain by corrupt individuals and corporations.
Memorial day 2020, right after two months of lockdown because of a power struggle between money hungry forces refusing to relinquish control.
This is a trend that will repeat itself many times unless the people in mass remove FOREVER the corruption and standards that the powers to be hold now and will destroy the people by crippling the economy removing their livelihoods, henceforth their quality of life. They have just proven that you either vote their way or do as they say or your jobs will be shutdown eliminating your food, clothes and shelter.
Memorial day, sad but true, they have all died for nothing now due to satanic amassing of fortunes and if you try to change the situation, you will become a name on a headstone, then your dead name used to elect them back into office.