

Charlotte and jacob
after work leah and Carol go to a local pub, there they met two handsome men. Mike liked leah but Carol liked mike and neil liked Carol. Mike felt uncomfortable and offered to buy leah a drink, they both went to the other side of the bar. Carol couldn't stop looking at mike and neil tried everything to get a conversation with Carol but she wasn't interested. Neil decided to go home as he give up trying. After he threatened to leave Carol begged him to stay and he agreed one drink but if you are not willing to communicate I'm gone. the next day leah goes to Carol and said lets go out tonight no men allowed to make it up to leaving you last night. can't I'm out with Neil. ok maybe another time. maybe. Carol and leah don't see each other for a while as Carol doesn't want to see leah so she changes her shifts times. six months later leah and mike go travelling for about a year and get married. on their return they buy a house together. while out gardening Carol noticed neighbours moving in next door and noticed leah she walked quickly in the house. Neil returns home and sees mike and asked when he got back. about a week ago we were lucky to get this house so quickly. yeah it's been vacant for six weeks, it's lovely to have familiar neighbours. Carol neil shouts she comes out and Carol is subdued. leah comes out and as leah goes to pick a heavy item up mike said sweetheart let me get that you know you shouldn't carry heavy objects. Neil noticed and thought she must be pregnant but didn't say anything. come and meet our friends. leah was so surprised and hugged Carol as she is so pleased to see her. mike said we are having a house warming party tonight I would love for you both to come. later that night they both leah and mike broke the news that they are having a baby. then six months later leah give birth to a beautiful baby boy then when Carol was due for her birth leah delivered Carols baby girl at home. both the children played lovely with one another and jacob looked after Charlotte. one day Carol saw mike come past the window and saw mike waving leaving the dinner on Carol gets dressed up and came on to mike kissing him, they both slept together. Neil rushed in as he saw the fire then leah walked in a few minutes after. Neil said look for charlotte and I look for Carol. leah rushed as she saw Charlotte unconscious on the floor. leah did CPR shouted neil he was so afraid and upset then Charlotte became conscious and coughed. leah heard jacob screaming and rushed next door putting Charlotte in the play pen with jacob and said can you look after Charlotte sweetheart. then Neil and leah heard laughter upstairs to their surprise they saw them both in bed together Carol and Mike. leah ran out taking jacob. Neil run after her and she said I have to go, but get charlotte to the hospital but by the time he got charlotte they both was gone. Neil tried to find them but they were nowhere to be seen. later they moved to the otherside of the country and Charlotte started nursery but teachers were concerned as charlotte was isolating herself from the whole class and doesn't talk. Neil took her to talking therapy but nothing worked they worried that their is a problem with her voice or is traumatised. Neil takes all advice and hope she will talk again very soon.

in a local cafe Neil noticed a women struggle with her four year old son so he goes to help to his surprise he noticed jacob and he said leah. Jacob trys to wriggle out of her arms. give him to me and said Charlotte and trys to wriggle again Neil shouts at him jacob listen here I'm not going to have your nonsense so stop it now then jacob sucks his phumb, putting his head onto his should and goes to sleep. leah turns around and said how do you do that. dont know be firm and strong. come on there's a play centre down the road we can talk while the children play so they did and when charlotte woke up she said jacob and both hug they both go in the ball pit throwing balls at one another laughing and playing hide and seek with other children. Neil is surprised and said that's the first word she has said since that day, she missed jacob and we missed you both, his the complete opposite his loud disrupted and aggressive on occasions with throwing his toys out his pram. he never slept and all he kept calling for is charlotte at one point I wanted to try and find you and I came back late at night but I found two new neighbours they gibe me letters but they said they moved out two years ago and haven't come back to the house for two years. I'm glad you found us. later that day neil took them both home and sees how she lives and can't live like this and invited them both to live with them both and they live with Neil and Charlotte. that night jacob disappeared and leah panics and knocks on neils door frantically then he looks in charlotte room to see Jacobs arm around charlotte cuddling her. aww they both thought how cute leah and neil said now you know he is safe and happy. the next day after breakfast they both start school and meet a boy called josh. josh is nervious and shy. Jacob approch him eating his lunch then runs away. while Charlotte goes to the toliet jacob finds josh hiding in the corner of the playground he pushes his lunch towards him then leaves when he hears Charlotte call. back at home josh watches Charlotte and jacob play football outside their house. josh grandparents noticed and said go and play but his grandfather has a plan and gets his best ball out signed by all the players and he opens the gate and kicks the ball hitting the side of Jacobs foot. he picks it up and gives it to jacob and Charlotte follows and they both like the ball and offer to play. they all talk and talk for hours then they both understand one another and become the bestest friends but josh sees them as family as he always wanted a brot er and sister someone he could talk to, in that moment josh, Charlotte and jacob made a pack to always be together no matter what so josh made some special bracelets of their relationship and never take it off. they all stay together. in high school Charlotte and jacob almost get split up but the teacher doesn't read it proberly and apologies to them both. at lunch Charlotte notices a girl eating on her own reading a book and goes up to her then Charlotte reads the back of the book then josh notices Charlotte reading one of the rudest books jacob neally chokes on his water and shouts you don't want to read that. Charlotte looks and said what it's not it's a best selling in the world. they both walk other and jacob takes it from Charlotte throwing it to josh and then back to jacob Charlotte trys to grab the book and said give me the book but cause jacob and josh are taller than Charlotte she struggles. then jacob teases Charlotte said hear then runs around the table throwing it back to josh. Charlotte gives up and said to jess I'm sorry about them their idiots but harmless. Charlotte walks away and jacob shouts so you going to go in a mood now. she turns around smiles and said no oooo. Jacob gives the book back to jess and jacob runs after Charlotte and puts his arm around her kissing her on the head, she said get off me trouble. ouch you breaking my heart, if there's one worth breaking. both Charlotte and jacob annoy and flirt with one another. After lunch jacob, Charlotte and josh were split up around the class paired up. Jacob us paired with Jamie who is rude and inappropriate, josh is pair with Ryan who is quiet and doesn't talk at all and Charlotte is with rose who is shy and nervous. opposite josh sits with Ryan and Charlotte notices rose looking at him and said you like him. what! of course not. Well you keep staring at him. oh alright, is it that obvious. Well yeah. do you think he knows. if he does he never said anything I think you are OK, I dont think he knows. josh looks up, rose puts her head down quick and whispers to Charlotte. is he looking at me. no no he is coming over. jess panics and said oh my gosh get rid of him. just relax girl. charl have you got a rubber I cant find mine. while Charlotte gets a rubber he trys to talk to jess by saying hi but she doesn't respond. josh shook his head towards rose and mutters whats wrong with her. dont ask Charlotte muttered back. josh shove his shoulders and said oh well and Walked back to his table. his gone now, you should talk to him he tried to talk to you. he did. yes he said hi and asked what was wrong. what did you say. dont ask. did he say anything else, nope just muttered that. he smells good, don't you think. I'm not answering that. you should get to know him why don't you hang out with me, Jacob and josh and talk to him he is a cool guy, his not as stupid as Jacob, his more mature. oh OK I mean I don't want to intrude. you won't be sweetheart plus I need a female friend to do girly things with and share secrets about boys do what girls do. ok that sounds fun thanks Charlotte. your welcome. After class Jacob puts his arm around charlotte and said I am so glad to see you baby, I missed you. we only been apart for an hour. that's a long time. Charlotte chuckled and introduced rose to the boys they both said hi and Charlotte said rose is going to hang with us for a while. josh talks to rose but sees how nervous she is but she soon comes out her shell. later that week josh asks her out on a date to get to know her more. Rose is excited and said he asked me out. that's great. but I'm nervous and terrified what to do or how to be around him what if he kisses me. dont panic he won't do anything if you don't feel comfortable just relax and go with the flow. ok, ok, I will try. ahh I cant believe he asked me out this is the best day of my life.

A month later in class wayd likes Charlotte he thinks she is georgous and wants to ask her out but is too shy so he passes a note around. natasha said jacob pass this to Charlotte so instead jacob looks at the note saying " Charlotte will you go out with me on a date as I think you are georgous and want to get to know you babe. wayd xxx. Jacob is not happy because he is in love with charlotte as has been since they were kids. Jacob taps josh and shows him. josh is surprised too. what you going to do mate he mutters. punch him if he touches her. in the second part of the lesson they were split up again with different people. Jacob is with natasha, josh with Jamie and Charlotte with wayd. Jacob didn't like that and kept looking over, worried he will touch her. wayd said did you get my note. no, what note. a note asking you out. Charlotte chuckles really, you want to go out with me. Well yeah, your georgous and I like you. oh my goodness. he gets flirty with her and she starts laughing. josh and jacob see. Jacob looks at josh and said his not funny. I'm sorry mate josh as they both mutter to one another. Jacob gets up and walks out of class upset. wayd writes his number down and Charlotte puts it in her blazer. Charlotte looks around and wonders where jacob is. josh said I'll go and find Jay you girls stay here. Charlotte goes to the toliet and followed on behind and said to Charlotte how long you and jacob been together. Charlotte laughs and said we are just friends. how could you not be with him he is super hot the most georgous guy in school. he never seemed that interested in me. but he flirts with you right. oh yeah but that's his nature he is always joking and messing around. Rose walks in at this point. Well if so would you mind me asking him out. its your choice. Well if we get together I need you to back off and stay away from him, just you wouldn't be good for our relationship. then natasha flicks her hair hitting Charlotte in the face. hi rose and walks out the toliets. oh my goodness Charlotte she threatened you. no she just doesn't want me involved in the relationship and I don't want to be. Rose grabs Charlotte arm. where we going. you need to tell jacob, no no I cant. come on his up in the library and pulls her we need to get to him before she does. too late as they say natasha walk up towards jacob flirting with him. Rose lip reads. hi jacob it's me natasha what you doing. Reading as you can see. Hehe she laughs jacob and josh look at each other confused. I was wanting if your not too busy would you like to go out for a milkshake one day. ha ha jacob laughs. sorry not interested I'm already in love with someone else. oh but charlotte said. Jacob looked at her angrily. what did charlotte say. oh that we would be good together you both will only ever be friends. only ever she said that. she's a lier charlotte said. Jacob shouts in natashas face saying MOVE and stepped back to let him pass. oh no! Charlotte quick hide behind the bookshelf, go now jacob on the wall path. what about you. I will make a distraction. go now. Charlotte hides and jacob said to rose. you seen Charlotte. no not at all last I heard she was coming to see you. Jacob goes off to look for her. Rose gets charlotte grabs her arm and said get to class before he gets to you cause his going to go mental at you..... probably. josh sees Rose and Charlotte leave the library together. in class jacob walks behind charlotte and sits next to her he is not happy infact his pretty annoyed. Rose mutters good luck. Jacob makes charlotte feel very uncomfortable breathing down her neck, looking sharply at her, clicking and shaking his pen off the table. he is pretty mad charlotte thought but she just acted normal. hi! how are you? she said to him. Jacob doesn't say anything just looked at her breathing heavily. Jacob writes in his notebook. " we need to talk. x" Charlotte knew he was upset as he always puts more than one kiss on his messages. Charlotte writes back "agreed". After class they go somewhere private to talk. he goes mad at her. " so we always going to be friends then. I don't know why do you want to be more than friends. one day yeah. really! and she smiles. yeah! really. look I said that we are friends but not that we are always going to be friends. you said me and natasha will be good for one another. no, I never said that. she wanted to ask you out and asked if I minded, I told her it's her choice. Rose can back me up cause she was there and heard her threatening me to back off if you two got together. WHAT! she threatened you. Well yeah and rose said I needed to get to you to tell you. she lied to you Jay. who you want to believe me who you have known since birth or her that we both hardly know. you of course I'm sorry I feel an idiot. I believe you I was just upset that you would only ever want to be friends cause I don't want that, do you. of course not I'd love nothing more than to be with you. Good good but ain't you with someone. no what makes you think that. no reason. back in class Charlotte is sitting talking to rose and at the other end of the room in ICT jacob shows a picture of his car to josh then he wheels he chair towards Charlotte and almost kisses her.

on a family vacation Charlotte, Neil, Sandra and Jack are waiting at the pizza plaza for jacob, leah and Rob. all assuden jacob comes behind charlotte and tickles her side. hey how are you. Jacob looks at her legs and said how nice she looks like he always does. After they shared a pizza together they all go to the club and dance. Charlotte goes to the toliet and outside the toliets she is chatted up by an American man in his twenties. Neil and leah see. leah distracted her son with helping her with the phone while Neil gets Charlotte away. Neil said you can't be with him as your been arranged married. what! I'm not going to be forced marriage. Charlotte sits next to jacob and said I'm going to be arranged married he laughs hysterically. it's not funny she said stop laughing he said I can't that's the most funniest thing ever said by you. Charlotte looks at him. stop laughing, stop it. I cant, it's funny. the next day Charlotte is chatted up by a Spanish man trying to get her to come to a party but she didn't understand so when jacob saw he came over and told the guy to back off, Charlotte said whatever he said. Charlotte wants to know what he said but he wouldn't say so she got a Spanish book but then she forgot what he exactly said.