

In love with Guardian
Once upon a time there was a girl name Monique. Everyone called her Mons aka Demons for short. She is arrogant girl who always thought of being a no. in her class is a must. She hate failures and she always shove anyone that she is smart. She forget her family as she has no time for them. Her goal is to become a CPA someday.

One day the deities punished her by taking away her capabilities to become no. 1 at class and became lowest at the rating of the class. Everytime she always got a failing mark as her ambitions crumbles and it is breaking her. It really hurts for her to face reality losing everything she build for her future cause her parents said she can't take the CPA board exam. She is on the bridge having suicidal thoughts as she climbs and wanting to jump. Suddenly a hand grab her arm and pulls her towards him. "what are you doing, milady?" The man ask him in gentle voice.

Monique pushed away the man with all her might. "Why bother asking me? Mind your own business" she started crying like a girl lost her favorite bag. "You don't know what its like to lose everything. Your future. My dreams its over" she yelled to the man as there was a full of resentment on her voice.

"Eat this" he gave her the sandwich but she is hesitant to accept it cause he is a starnger. "No, thank you. I don't need it. Leave me alone" The guy is persistent as he hold her hand and give it to her. "You're not eating these past few days" Monique's stomach suddenly grumble and her face became went red. She started to eat sandwich slowly when she taste it so good as she have a big bite and enjoy the taste.

It is egg and bacon sandwich that is her favorite. "Yummy, you how to make me smile" She finds out this man is not bad. "Good to know. What is wrong with you by the way?" He ask eager to help her. since he prove that he is not a bad guy, Monique tell her dillemma on him as she cries by doing so. The man suddenly turn her around facing him as he wrap his arms around her when he did she felt like home much greater than the things she achieved on the past.

She wrapped her arms around him also and stop crying like he is a good pill on her bad spell. "Don't lose hope maybe there is much better things that fate plans on you than yours. Maybe to be better of yourself like getting stronger." He smiled sweetly like it is sunlight that giving her energy to keep going no matter how real worl is harsh to her.As hours pass by the two engage in wonderful conversation and laughter can be heard.

Suddenly a bag sandwich pop out of his hand and gave it to Monique. "What is this for?" she asked quite confused. "You need it trust me. Don't forget that you can still be better for what you have even if you can't be what you wanted" he smiles to her again. "Wait my name is Monique. What is yours?" she runs to him so that he can her. "My name is Ram. I will call you Carla so that you will not hate it anymore" he suddenly left so fast as the leaves fall down.

"Monique what are you doing there? Your friends are here. What you carry there?" Monique was startled when she saw her mother as she still think of Ram her new friend. "Mother, I have sandwiches" she smiles to her mother and she seems so surprised that depression go away. In the back of her mother's mind, she was thankful that Monique is fine now."Go back inside the house and I'll buy juice at the convenience store, okay?" her mother smile after she left. 'When we will meet again, Ram?' the question was racing to her mind as she is glad to have a guardian like him.

They still meet as laways though Monique didn't expect it. They eat delicious foods and help the beggars on the street by giving them the food. Many of her classmate saw them and started rumors about Monique dating a lot older than her but she doesn't care. All that matters is being with Ram makes her happy like it is opening a new world for her. 2 months past and it is her graduation day. Even if she can't take the CPA board exam, she will still fight for her future. She is not resentful because she always remember Ram's words to her. Now she is happy that this chapter of her life ends and there will be another one to start as she finished her studies.

Everyone suddenly stop from moving as the time stops and Ram is there carrying a dozen of red roses to her. She runs to him as she gave him hug. He hugs her back too. "You came. I am glad." She said in a teary eyesfrom being glad. He wipe her tears carefully from her face not to ruin her make-up and kiss her cheeks. "This is for you" Monique suddenly blushed when he gave her a dozen of red roses. She finally confirms it. She is in love with her guardian.
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