

Taken Too Soon
Taken Too Soon

Dying is a part of life but sometimes it hurts more when a loved one is taken too soon !
You just never know what can happen before or after the sight of the moon !

One day you’re here and then all of a sudden you disappear !

You never know how long you will live, so it’s important to enjoy it while you still can ,because death does not come with a warning or a plan !

Say what you mean and mean what you say before you or a co worker, close friend or family member passes away !
No one knows their fate so say your “I love you’s”
before it’s too late !

We always try to be clever and believe that life is eternal and forever !
Unfortunately , none of us are getting out of here alive , so the best thing to do is to thrive and try and survive !

It is always someone everyone cherishes that perishes out of the blue for no apparent reason !
It does not matter what age or in what season !
The grim reaper does not discriminate who he takes or whose hearts that he breaks !

We are not in control of when we get to our final resting place but let us leave this earth with no regrets and a smile on our face !

Jill4570 Aka Jillie Bee 🐝

(Jill Ledsky)

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