

How we're dealing with quarantine?
(this is how my family is trying to stay safe at home, I feel like I have to write it the moment so here it a little piece)

March 15/2020, as usual I came back to my room from school duty as I'm school teacher.I got notification at my mobile when I checked, it was holiday for one month because of pandemic situation till that time though there is no any positive case in our state but in others state we heard that the number is increasing day by day so there is a proverb "precaution is better than cure", our government decided to take the same steps and declared holiday for a month at first I was happy because there is holiday, then again second think hits my mind about students and syllabus. How we are going to complete syllabus on time if there will be a holiday for a month especially class ten. But again I thought the situation needs an action and it's more important here then syllabus because each and everyone is trying to stay safe from this life taking virus (COVID19).

So I informed my other colleagues also. And the very next day me and my colleagues we move back to our home town, after reaching home I was stick to the news every day I watch at news that the peoples are infected by Corona virus and is increasing day by day, then on 22nd March our honourable P.M ordered for a janta curfew where no one can came out from home no vehicle are allowed to transport and for appreciation to each other our honourable P.M asked us to create sounds by clapping or by creating sounds with help of the plates and the day was finished beautifully every one obey the words given by our honourable P.M.

Still the situation was not under the control, infected numbers of people were increasing day by day the reason behind this is people are avoiding that frightened fact and carelessly moving and assembled in many public area by knowing the truth though all the health administration they were alerting us not come to touch with others but still, may be it was a perplexed situation to the public also, another is because the antidote of this virus is still not found or prepared. When we watched news every time it's showing the increase number of cases in our nation and some fear was there in every member of our family and now this fear became the part of every family of this nation also though luckily still there was no any case in our state but one thought always wandered in my mind that what had happened if it strick in our state too? in our state there is no any proper highly advance hospital is here and we heard that the virus is spread in cold area rapidly as our state is a Hilly state, and if it's found we can't do anything.

It's seems like fire spreading at jungle there is no any sign to stop. positive cases are increasing day by day and many others people who came from foreign or another state they were staying at quarantine as same rules was following in our state too then government of India suddenly announced the lockdown and it was needed also because till that time people were moving carelessly, the lockdown was for 21days and still going on right now, every people feel hard to follow this lockdown because we are living being and characteristics of living being is to move or we can say move from place to place but now for 21days you can't go outside, you've to stay at home completely though it's hard but we have to follow the rules to stay safe. Many advertise and many Artists, politicians they all are informing us everytime at television to stay at home, wash our hand frequently, use sanitizer, don't come outside, and peoples are also editing memes about quarantine also.

Now we completely lockdown at our home, but my elder sister she never got her holidays easily because she is serving for police department and now because of lockdown her work load suddenly increase though she is a mother of 4years old son but when duty calls she have to be present there any how. And suddenly a few days back a news broke out that in our neighbouring state there is also one positive case was found she was forty years old lady and it's said that few people from our state they board the same flight with her so there were questions arise suspecting there may be a someone who came to contact with her? Now everybody feel scared and my father and mother also because my sister have to go for her duty regularly, I gave her hand sanitizer too and told her to take more precaution in her duty, it's human nature that the problems are same for everyone but when time comes we start thinking ourself and our love ones only and we do the same. Next day the news came that forty years old lady is no more she had defeated the battle with COVID19 that was so sad. It's doomsday everyone is facing and trying to fight against it. Usually my sister never did that but now she had to be more careful she started to take precautions too while she returns from her duty she started to change and hang her clothes at bathroom because of her little child, my nephew used to run and hug his mother at the moment when she arrived at the door but now he didn't got that hug though he saw her mother is at door, and both are missing that hug, for my sister that warm hug is like a refreshments drink which help her to reduced her all the stressed of her whole day but now though it's little but COVID19 pushes a mother and her child for a social as well as for a emotional distance too.
While sitting at home Me and my little sister started to wash our floor, the entrance area more regularly though in a previous time we did that intervally but the situation is completely changed. I also told my sister not to contact with others in her duty. We have to be more alert especially when there is a little childrens at home and we have small fellow who brighten our day with his smile who don't know what is Corona virus means but he repeat the word when he heard the word from a news channel. I mixed phenyl with water and keep in a spray bottle and I mostly spray at the entrance area. Now this becomes daily habits to stay safe from this pandemic which is taking life day by day, but few are getting back to their normal health too. Don't know when it'll stop but at least thanks to God and the people of our state that in our state there is no any positive cases of COVID19. Those who lost their life in this battle may their souls rest in peace and hope for we'll be going to be free from this pandemic situation soon.
Till that stay safe.
The day is there after every night.