

Season or Reason
"Touch me..."I thought that I had spoke that demand in my head, to myself. I did not, it was obviously very audible because next thing I knew his hands were caressing my ribs and my stomach. Up and down and in circular motion. His hands were big and manly, with an equal amount of roughness and softness that made me feel as though he was sending electricity to every cell in my body and they carried that feeling of pleasure to my.....

Let's take it back some. Me and my girls would head out to what the hood consider Sip n Paint, however, its really just sip n drink for most. This day we had male company whom I knew of before this day, but didn't personally know him. Tall, over six feet, muscular but athletically built, bow legged, handsome as fuck with beautiful hair. It became a ritual of us going to SNP and I made it my business to invite him and make him my best friend. Yes, I was setting him up because I seen him giving me the eye one time or at least I was hoping he was giving me the eye.

'Yo Twin, if boy keep lookin at me imma cuff his ass up, ' I spoke these words to one of my close friends, Shara. She responded like I wanted her too because none of us cared for his ex girlfriend, "fuck it, go ahead twin."

The first night he took me home, I was twisted and I knew I wanted to feel his strong as body on top of me, but I woke up still dressed so it was obvious that he was a gentlemen that night. I am not going to hold you, I was tight. I wanted his ass so bad, but even more once I got myself together. It began to happen and from da first touch of his hands on my skin I was in pure bliss. My body was covered with goosebumps and words were caught in my throat that I didn't even really want to say.

"Stop running from this dick," I heard him saying to me. It was nowhere for me to go though because I was already head hanging off the bed almost a part of the wall. I remember that day like it just happened thirty minutes ago. 'Damn daddy, fuck...oh shit...yes.....damn....uhmmmm...fuck....yes....ahhhh......oouuuuu,' The way I was moaning had me shocked. .

He tasted it and put me in positions that I either never been in or that never felt so good to me. Then I tasted him and I knew I would forever love sucking his dick for as long as he would have me. "Don't catch no feelings," he said to me. I agreed with a nod of my head. "Damn....this shit good as fuck....tttssss this wet as pussy..." he was moaning and starring into my eyes and from them on I knew I had him. No catching feelings my ass. I could not let this fine specimen get away especially after knowing that what he packing in his pants does my body better than milk.
From that day forward if you seen one you seen the other. I was nowhere close to anybody virgin, but that twenty-three year old had my twenty-nine year old ass feeling like I was in high school and just lost my virginity. I was glowing and all smiles, all day everyday. From growing a bond with him to getting that daily dose of medicine, I felt like I was floating. When we made it official, that was murder he wrote.

Everyday since we were fucking like we knew it was our last.
© Beautiiful Disaster