

The Magnetic cave Part - IV
Please read the other parts also 😊

I took a train , went to Darjeeling, I also took a cage as I can't take him soo many days in my hand 😅 . So, I went to Darjeeling, there I hired a car as, I can't give money each an everyday little , little . Then I went to Gangtok , stayed there for that night , next day at early morning , atleast at 5.00 am I left that place and then went to Sundakphu , I reached there at evening, I took some rest next waited for the run rise. That day , suddenly stroke in my mind that if Piku has fly away anywhere else ?? They didn't told that iif one bird flies away and they are constantly flying away to that place only... I was nervous .

Sundakphu was a beautiful place , the scenery was amazing ❤️. When the sunlight fell on the Mt. Kanchanjanga I was astonished. How beautiful deadly mountains can be seen from a great distance. Yes I said deadly mountain as it is very cold , the climat there is very cold , it can freeze anyone who will not bring the tent to sleep in the night there and also heavy , heavy blankets to keep them warm and even atleast ten heavy jackets to wear. 😁.

I didn't thought that it will be sooo rough in high places , I atleast thought that there will be food and water to eat and drink. But there was food , but no water to digest the food that it dancing in my belly 😁😂😂.

I have to climb up and down for water as a restaurant had water but a fake name of bisleri . It was written biseri not bisleri , but still have to drink that water . With that single bottle I have do everything . I didn't bath there as it was very very very cold there. If I have bath I can't write this experience here . 😁It was extremely 🥶 there . I was tired so I left that place at afternoon after my lunch there , I took atleast , umm , 15 water bottles, and left, I the. took a narrow lane through which I cannot take that car, so, I have say goodbye to that car 😭. I walked and walked till evening I didn't found anything and I even forget to take that water bottles except one that was infront of me while driving 😭 I was thirsty the water was about to finish....

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© Tabashmi Barman