

the date?
The date?
"Katie, are you planning to come over tomorrow?" He asked." was that a real? invitation or a courtesy invite?" she asked. "I want you to be there," he said. "Then yes I will come. I would love that." She said. He smiled. "Awesome. I would too." He said.
She had a long day. She usually gets up early. She made cofee. She took a shower. She wore a pantsuit. She went to the office. She had a lot of appointments throughout the day. She forgot about what she would be doing after her day.
She left at four. She went home. She changed into a pink blouse and gray skirt and flip-flops. she headed for the home of the pastor and his family. She could not believe that she was doing this. She considered turning back and going home. She decided to go through with it.
The pastor had woken up at six. That was usual for him. He made cofee. He took a shower. He wore a blue button-up short. He wore black pants. He wore a tie. His sister Alesha watched the kids.
He headed to the church. He had a good day. It was busy. He prepared for Wednesday night and Sunday sermons. He had a few visits. He left at four. he headed home. He changed into jeans and a t-shirt. His sister Marissa and her family arrived.
He saw kate's car pull in. He came out. He held Nina and Macey was in tow. She came out. "Hi, there!" He said. She smiled. "Hi, pastor," she said.
She said hello to Macey and Nina. They went outside." this is my sister Alesha and her husband Mark and their daughter Keri. This is my sister Marissa and her husband don and Caleb and mia. This is Katie." he said.
Both Alesha and Marissa we're pregnant. "How far along are you?" Katie asked. "I am six mouths and ally is five. " Marissa said. "Do you know what you are having?" Kate asked "both girls. " Marissa said. "We are both excited. " Alesha said. "I can tell," she said.
After a while, they say down to lunch. Matt made lasagna. "This.is great!" Kate said. "Matt is a really good cook," Marissa said. "I can see that. He is very versatile." Katie said. "My parents wanted us to know basic skills. Change a tire, change the oil, iron clothes, basic cooking. I took to cooking. Leane would not let me near the kitchen. That was her domain. " matt said.
"Rease is the same way. " don said. "I am like that too." Alesha said."yes. She is, "Mark said.
"She was a good cook." Marisa said."yes she was. I think I do ok." matt said. "I think so. " kate said. "What do you two do for work?" kate asked to mark and don. " I am a bank branch manager. "Don said. " I am a realtor." mark said. "Did you utilize him when you bought the house?" She asked "oh definitely. He suggested it. Lee and I loved it right away. He helped me secure the church building. " he said.
"You approved of your sister's choice of husband," Kate said. "I don't know that I would go that far," he said in jest." we made mark and don get the blessing of dad and matt."Marissa said."did you?" Kate asked.
"Yes we did," Alesha said. "Getting release's dad's blessing was way easier than getting matt's. " don admitted." he went line by line through my doctrinal statement." mark said."me too." don said.
"I understand you're a psychologist?"Marissa asked." Yes I am. I have a private sector but I consult for state and local governments. I have worked for the prosecution as defense," she said.
"How did it go today?" Alesha asked."very well. "She said, " how did it get into psychology?"Marissa asked. "My dad is a doctor and my mom is a teacher. I was interested in medicine but I knew I did not want to be a surgeon. i found out about psychology. I became interested in it. I wanted to help people. I was involved in the children's program and youth. I realized I wanted to help people. i volunteer at a youth mental health facility. I got the grades. " she said.
"Do you work with mostly adults?" Marissa asked."i do. I started out working with children. my practice is adults.
I mostly deal with everyday issues. Depression, suicide, chemical imbalance. I do not do too much with addiction but do on occasion. "She said.

" so what brought you to g.b.c?" Alesha asked. "I grew up in the church. I attended more evangelical churches. I attended a mega church. I was on the worship team. I always find a church right off if I move to a new area. G.b.c was the closest. I decided to check it out. It was a bit out of my comfort zone but I like it. " she said.
"I am very happy she chose to worship with us. " matt said. He smiled."it is nice to meet you. I suspect we will be seeing more of you. "Marissa said. Matt blushed a bit. He did not dare look at kate. kate got his attention and looked him in the eye and smiled.
After the maine meal, there was strawberry cheesecake. They loaded up the dishwasher. They went to the living room. They talked a bit. After a while, kate decided that she should leave. She said good night to his family. he walked her out.
" your smiling?" She asked."am I? I had not noticed," he said."i did not think you came with that feature?" She asked. "I did not either. It's been a while." He said. "You should do it more often," she said."come by more often and I will, "he said. She chuckled." Ok." she said.
"I'm glad you came," he said."i am glad I came too. "She said." My family liked you. I can tell," he said."i like them," she said. They said there good nights. She got in her car and headed home.
On Tuesday night, he called her." you think I am suicidal?" He asked her." now that I have gotten to know you better, I am not as concerned. You seemed to have a storm cloud. Some of the things you said. The way you acted. It sent red flags. Knowing you a little better I am not concerned. I think you carry way too much on your shoulders. You try to let nothing bother you and you can't do that. You can't go it alone, not this! You have a good support system. You have your church family, you have your extended family, but you don't utilize it. "She said.
" Everything made sense. I was called to the ministry. Leane was my helper. She was a key part of that ministry. We were a team in every sense of the word. It does not make sense "he said.
" it was her time. She did what she was supposed to do. Her time on earth is done but yours is not. Shal not the lord of heaven do right? This was right. I know you know that. "She said " yes I do," he said.
"His grace is sufficient for you. You will get through this. " she said."i am not suicidal!""he said. "I know that now. " he said. "You don't think I need to go to the funny farm?" He asked. She smiled."jury is still out. "She said. He chuckled. " ok!" He said.
"I did not handle things in the right way. I sometimes leep before I looked " she admitted."we all do at times. "He told her. " don't go it alone ok. I would prefer you talk to a lisenced psychologist. You would prefer your dad or a fellow pastor. Talk to someone. "She said." Alright."he said.