

He was looking at my belly. I smile and caress his neck as he feel our baby inside my tummy. He look at me and smile, he is really happy to know that I am pregnant with our first child.

"I am so happy to know that finally I will have a kid!" He kiss my belly and still caressing it.

"Yeah. I am happy too." He look at me. He hold my hand and intertwine it.

"Sorry for making you pregnant first, I should marry you first but I guess I am too excited to have a kid." He pouted and grin at the same time.

I laugh and playfully pinch his arms."It's okay. Atleast we already have a kid before we get married."

"Yeah. You are right too!" We laugh and just spend our time talking to each other, caressing my belly, and appreciate the time we have now.

Time is gold. As well as him .


"This is news report! There's a terrorist that bombing the place, as you can see on the video the terrorist came to make this place as theirs! They bomb the place and they even camp here and you can see their flag that they raised earlier! Hundred of deaths and thousand of family who evacuate right away, for now the whole place is silent which is alarminv!" We both look at the television and I can see that Fenn is mad and feel sad to those people who affected.

We were just eating when someone called him. I bite my lips as he answer the call. I stay silent as he speak.

"Yes sir. Gladly sir. It was my duty, I will sir." He said while looking at me. I sigh when he finish the call."Honey.."

"I know, I know. It was your duty and I understand." I said while looking at him. He sit down again and caress my hair.

"You know I born to be soldier, I born to die serving and protecting my country, it was a soldier's duty, my duty." He said with a braveness on the tone of his voice.

I nod later on shook my head."I-i-- you know I won't just let you, we have a kid now I don't want to--"

"It won't. It won't trust me, I will come back home. I will find my way back home to you, to my baby, to my family." He assured me and I feel it on his voice.

"Fenn, please come home to me safe.." My tears fell down as he hug me.

Today is the day he will leave. He look at me as we go outside of the house. I smile and hold my belly. He hold it too. I bite my lips when I feel my heart tearing apart.

"I will come back for you, we will marry each other and be happy." He said and kiss my forehead. I smile.

"I'll see you again.." I said and wave at him and he wave back.

"I'll see you again, too.." When he leave I can't stop the tears.

I need to understand. It was for his country, not for his country but to someone's country and I know it was his decision and duty.

I won't question it.


"Dear, Fenn
We've been far away to each other. You see I already gave birth and she is a cute chubby baby as what our wish for. How are you? I hope you are doing fine--" I stop writing for a moment when I see two guy outside of our house coming to the door.

I smile when it is wearing a soldier's suit. I am excited to go outside."What's up? Where's Fenn?"

My smile fade away when they didn't smile back at me. I shook my head as he look down. I look at the necklace they give to me.

"We are sorry. He is been a good friend, a good soldier. He died in the battle serving and protecting people, it was his duty and I am sorry. He said when he almost lose his breathe I will say this to you as we go back here that you will take care always--" I didn't finish his words and just fell down.

I cried hard as I hug his uniform, as I hold his necklace tighter. They hug me and comforting me.

That day, I lost Fenn. I lost the man I love. I know that when he turn his back on me there's a chance that he won't go back.

"He served well.." They said and leave me alone when they assured that I am okay.

I look at his frame and his uniform. It was hard to lose someone you wanted to be with, I can't stop him for serving the people he wanted to serve. I wipe my tears and feel proud.

My heart is aching. Fenn, you did well, I love you always, and I will protect our baby like what we always talked about.

You did well, my dear Soldier.


© Skyler