

Actually Live
In a small town nestled amidst rolling hills, there lived a woman named Elizabeth. She possessed a heart so pure and a soul so kind that people were drawn to her vibrant energy. Despite her love for the world and its inhabitants, she found herself alone, perhaps because she was just "too good" for anyone.

Elizabeth's days were filled with acts of kindness, reaching out to those in need, and spreading love wherever she went. Yet, loneliness was a constant companion, tugging at the corners of her heart. The weight of her goodness seemed to isolate her more with each passing day.

One fateful afternoon, as Elizabeth walked along a quiet street, she noticed a young girl named Emily sitting on a park bench, her eyes filled with curiosity and a spark of innocence. Elizabeth felt an instant connection, sensing in Emily the same yearning for connection that she herself had experienced.

Approaching Emily, Elizabeth smiled warmly and struck up a conversation. As they talked, Elizabeth's experiences poured out, painting a picture of life's highs and lows, and the delicate balance of goodness and vulnerability. Gently, she shared her guiding quote, "You are not meant to be too good for life to actually live," hoping to sow a seed of wisdom within Emily's heart.

Years passed, and Emily grew into a remarkable woman, one who had taken Elizabeth's words to heart. She embraced life wholeheartedly, experiencing the joy of connecting with people, exploring different cultures, and finding love. Emily married and had four beautiful children, creating a home filled with warmth and acceptance.

But amid her newfound happiness, Emily never forgot Elizabeth, the woman who had inspired her in the most profound way. With a burning desire to express her gratitude, she embarked on a mission to find her long-lost mentor. Extensive research led her to a nursing home, where she learned that Elizabeth had been mistreated and confined to a life far from the love she had deserved.

Emily's heart ached at the injustice, and without hesitation, she orchestrated Elizabeth's escape from the nursing home, determined to honor the woman who had forever changed her life. Together, they embarked on a grand adventure, exploring places Elizabeth had only dreamt of, from the ancient ruins of Greece to the idyllic shores of French Polynesia and the vibrant landscapes of Africa.

They reveled in the flavors of varied cuisines, marveled at breathtaking vistas, and forged an unbreakable bond. Elizabeth couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of joy to witness the happy life she had unknowingly inspired in Emily.

One day, as the two sat by the grave of Elizabeth's beloved mother, they shared a conversation that spanned laughter, tears, songs, and heartfelt reminiscences. The circle of life felt complete in that poignant moment.

With a serene smile on her face, Elizabeth whispered to Emily that she felt blessed beyond belief and could die a happy woman. However, she expressed a desire for one final place to visit. Following Elizabeth's request, Emily escorted her to her mother's grave, where they sat side by side, enveloped in a tender embrace of love and memories.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm, golden glow over the sacred ground, Elizabeth closed her eyes, surrendering to an eternal slumber. Her physical form may have departed, but her essence, her love, and her teachings lived on within Emily's heart.

Bowing down to kiss Elizabeth's forehead, Emily whispered through tears, "Thank you for showing me that love exists. Your light will forever guide my way, and the world will be a better place because of you."

In that twilight moment, Emily gathered the lessons imparted by the woman who was too good for anyone and vowed to carry on her legacy of love, spreading kindness, and guiding others towards a life fully lived.
© NightSwimThePoet