


R is not stands for RAPE CULTURE
R stands for REVOLUTION


When I was 10 I always saw my mother crying because of my father, he always punch her and slap her what can I do? I am just a kid. I can't do anything about it.

"I am the man in this house! You should folowe me! I am the one who works for us, I am the one who works for you to eat!" He shouted at us, my mother hug me and I can feel her fear, her cold body.

Dad, please stop.." I am begging, begging for him to stop this thing, it's so cruel, I can't see any lights in our house. My emotions got mix.

I become a teenager but I lost my interest to some things because I only see my mother's face, crying. There's nothing I can see only the punches of my father to my mother. Too much pain. I can't breathe.

"She is idiot and pathetic bitch that's why she can't focus on her studies, I am such a lucky to have my daughter. Why they can even make her go to school when she is idiot?" I can hear my relatives talking about education, even my neighbors tell that too in public.

I can't focus. I can't go to school because of what I see in our house everyday, I am scared, I am afraid for my mom and for myself, the pain is in my heart keeps growing, and anger in my whole system.

One day I'm in the bus I stand up because the bus is full and loaded. I was just standing when I feel someone's hand touching my waist and caressing my hips. I close my eyes and pray to God to stop this harassment, I can't breathe, I can't breathe. Mom.. I am scared..

"Be silent or I will kill you? You choose." I have no strength to fight for my life all I did is to shut my mouth, I have no power to fight against with him, against with this dirty man touching me everywhere. His hands are wondering around my body, roaming his eyes everywhere I feel so dirty, I feel so bad about myself but no one listen to my silent scream. He jack off and touch my body until he came.

When I go home I cried so hard, I cried because of frustration, anger, regret, and I can still remember his touch. I don't want this, I hate this, I damn hate this. His hands and touch mark on my body. I don't remember.

"S-stop! S-stop it please!!" I shouted at my classmate who corner me in the wall, I saw my two classmates smirking at me. Their smiles is like a devil's smirk.

"We're stronger than you. Girls is easy to control, because if ever you are strong then why are you here? Thigh opens, you are ready for us. Is that the definition of strong?" They both laugh as they molesting my body, they touch me everywhere and all I can do is to cry and to pray that this should be end. No woman deserves to treated this way.

They torture me, kiss and touch every part of me, all I did is to cry and fighting but they are too strong. Oh God tell me how to escape with this kind of scenes. Their hands touch my body everywhere, to my breast down to my thighs every part of body that I keep.

They raped me.

Mom, they raped me.

Days past I am always staring at the walls I can't talk and even walk, all I did is to cry until I can't longer cry because of what I feel, I feel like I am disgusting and dirty. All my body has marks because of what they did.

"Bea. You still didn't eat, baby please eat now." I saw my mother's teary eyes while looking at me and while holding the plate. I can't eat, all I need is to hug someone. I want to tell her but I have no strength.

"Why are they reporting it to the police? It's Bea's fault why she got raped, she must be thankful that someone is interested on her!" I wanted to slap them for telling those, they didn't know how I feel.

"You're too much!" My mom said to our neighbors."It's not the way she clothes, wearing sexy clothes is not an invitation of sex, there's some girls who got raped even if they wear formal. This is not the clothes. Every girl didn't want to be touch by someone. It's never the victim's fault it's on the man's mind. The problem is the people it's not the way they clothe." That day I realized I should fight for my rights.

The victim blaming should stop. No one should be blame for this.Because rape is never been okay, even the married couple if the girl didn't want ti have sex and he force her, it's rape. Sex is normal but without your consent or permission it was rape.


Bea sigh after she talked about her life as a rape victim. All those girls infront of him look at her as a brave woman. She is not weak anymore, she stands for what's right. She speak again as a brave woman not a weak woman who can easily to defeat.

"I made this project for those woman who is not powerful enough to fight for her rights. Victim blaming should stop, all of us has different mindset. Your sexy clothes is not an invitatiom. Rape should not be tolerate with this damn society! Victim blaming is the reason why we are scared to report, victim blaming is the reason why we are crave for justice!" Some of girls shouted when she deliver that words with power."Patriarchy should not be priority in this generation let's have equality. Is it right that the man should be the rule in the house? The eldest male of the family runs for our life? The man in our family should protect us and never hurt us. They should know us better because they are our family! Their heavy hands should not settle in our body, their hands is made for the people who hurted us. They shouldn't hold the power. Let's all be equal because in this generation what man can do is we can do too! Boys and girls are equal."

Everyone shouted inside of the gym, the voices of every woman is the strength. They are not scared to fight for the justice. All of us is not weak, we are the same because we fight for what we believe.

"How can we fight for Oppression?!" Someone ask in the back, Bea smile for the qustion. Not everyone is interested about this.

"Acknowledge your privilege, don't judge others by their clothing, and talk about religious discrimination." She reply as she looks at the crowd with full of pride. Talking infront of so many people made her realized this is all what he wanted.



Be brave.

Unspoken project is a porject she wanted to spread to the world, not everyone has the right to speak up what they've been through, rape, harassment, molesting, hurted by their husband, all of it should be reported! You know what stopping them to report it? judgments, society's mindset, and descrimination. They are scared because of it.

Speak yourself.

Explain your side.

If you are scared to day, if you won't move when? Our future is at risk if we will never fight. You, yes you the one who suffered from these, don't be scared they have no rights to tell you what to do they will never be the reason to limit yourself. Don't blame yourself if you are experiencing this, you are just scared and it's normal but choose to step forward and think about how you can do it without even thinking about what they can say about you.


Be brave.


Stop these:

Victim blaming
Rape culture

Speak yourself. Yes, yes you don't stop yourself from speaking, don't let them covered you.

Be brave for yourself, for your future, for the people who believed in you. Fight for your rightd!

S.T.O.P these words and F.I.G.H.T

Speak yourself.

© Skyler