

Chapter Eighteen

Lana's P.O.V

Nathan was absolutely right, there is nothing to worry about.

I laid down on my bed looking up at the ceiling.

Graduation is in two weeks. Should I go to collage? Why am I even asking myself this? I sat up I got off the bed and walked over to the mirror looking at myself. And that made me wonder should I take the bite?

I sighted.

The door open.

"Your still up?"Nathan asked.
"That's pretty obvious, and also it's not like I have school tomorrow"I said.

He came and stand behind me rapping his arms around me.

I looked in the mirror I couldn't see him.

"I don't have a reflection"he said.
"I learn something new about you everyday"I said.
"If you want to learn the whole lesson you can just read the book"he said.
"No, I think I want to learn slowly from you"I said.
"You do know that graduation isn't the only thing that is coming up right?"he asked.
"What else is coming oh my gosh! is it your birthday!?"I asked.

I backed away and sat on the bed, he sat down beside me.

"Don't worry, I didn't forget about prom"I said.

He looked at me and gave me a soft kiss on the lips.

"Ok, time for you to go to bed"he said.
"Can you please sleep with me tonight?"I asked.
"that's pretty obvious"he said.
"Hey that was my line!"I said as I went under the covers.
"Sorry not sorry"he said as he joined me.

The lights turned off.

"Did you-"

I laid my head on his chest and close my eyes he stroked my cheek and I smiled.

"Nathan! sleep!"I groaned.

He slid his hand down under the covers and grabbed my but.

"Nathan!Quit playing around!"

I moved my head off his chest turned around and laid on the pillow. He pulled me by the hair.


I turned around and he gave me another soft kiss on the lips. I bet that was all he wanted to do.

"Goodnight Lana"he said in a soft voice.
"Goodnight Nathan"I said back to him.

The Next day.

I got up the next morning and was surprised to see that Nathan was still sleeping.

Awe He looks so cute.

I sat up and gave him a kiss on his cheek. And got up he grabbed my arm and pulled me back in the bed.

"Morning"He whispered in my ear.
"Good morning to you too"I said with a smile
"Where were you going?"
"To get ready for the day, but I guess you want me to he here with you."I said.
"I always want you to"He said.
"Now can I please leave now?"I ask.
"Why?"He askes.
"Because I'm a girl I need to shower and I need to brush my teeth"I told him
"You are perfect the way you are"He said
"Nathan? I'm tryna practice personal hygiene and this is not helping"I said.

I tried to moved but I couldn't.

Is this boy using his strength on me!

"Maybe?"he said.

He got up and walked out of the room. I went inside the bathroom and freshen up. When I walked out I saw him there sitting down on my bed with my phone in his hand.

"What's wrong?"I asked.
"Dose he always text you?"he asked.
"No, That's a first. What did it say?"
"'hi'"He said.
"That's it?"
"Yeah. Why is he texting you?"
"I don't know I swear!"
"Its fine, just stay away from him."
"That's what I keep doing."
"I'm gonna buy you pepper spray, if he comes too close to you or tries to kiss you again spray him. If this continues and One day you run out of pepper spray I.Will.Kill.Him."
"Don't worry Nathan"I said.

I went and sat down beside him.

"He will stop". I kissed him on the cheek."Now I have to go study"
"Ok, Oh and I have a surprise for you"He said.
"What?"I asked in excitement.
"You'll see"

He got up and walked out the room, the second he did it someone ran in. I couldn't see the person it was a blur, she hugged me. It was Candy. I quickly hugged her back.

"I missed you!"She said.
"I missed you more!"I said.

Tears of joy came streaming down my face.

"Guest what?"she said, looking at me with a smile.
"What?"I asked.

She looked at me with a smile.

"I am a fast Vampire."she said.
"That was pretty obvious"I said giggling.
"No, I turned into a Vampire really fast and I learned how to control it really fast I am a whole lot faster than all the vampires in this house. And also, I can read your mind"

There is absolutely no way she can do that.

"Yes I can"she said.


"Why are you thinking of pancakes?"she asked me.
"You really can read my mind! I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing."
"I can control it, I can only read your mind when I want to. So when you are ready to tell me some things I'll wait"She said.

Secrets? Do I have those?

"Ok"I said.
"So tell me every thing I missed!"
"Well in school you missed-"
"No! no offense Lana but please don't torture your best friends mind the minute she's back."

She laid down on my bed pretending as if she's dying.

"Quit making a scene!"I said throwing a pillow at her face.
"Ow!"she said.
"I didn't think you'd feel that."
"I said I'm a Vampire not god, some things can still hurt me."
"A pillow can hurt you?"
"No not really."

She took up my phone that Nathan had left on my bed.

"Lana? What did I really miss. Since when dose he text you?"
"Since today"I said.

She started typing.

"What are you doing?"

She sent a message saying 'Hey, Why r u texting me?🤔'

"You'll thank me some day."She said.

I rolled my eyes.

"He's typing"She said.

He sent another message saying 'Can't I text my besfriend?'

"Tell him the we are not friends."I said.
"You can tell him yourself she turned off my phone and put it down."So, What is the relationship between you and Nathan have you decided to be like him?"
"No"I said.
"Ok"she said."Do you know what collage you want to go to?"she asked.
"I don't want to go to a collage"I said.
"Why?"She asked.
"I want to stay here with Nathan, I want to be with him."I said.
"oooh!"she said.
"Whatever Candy."
"We should go out,We should have fun!"She said.
"But I have to study"I said.
"Lana! We have two whole weeks. Study later."

She got up and pulled me up.

"Change your outfit."She said.

I was wearing a plain red dress.

"I just put this on"I complained.
"Put on something taht would.... Make Nathan want you to change."
"So you want me to put on someone thing that Nathan wouldn't want me to wear go out?"I ask
"Ok fine."I said

I went inside my closet and put on a high waist black skirt, an off shoulder long sleeved red top and a peep toe black heels. I put my hair up in a pony tail and put on red lipstick. I walked out of the closet.

"Will this work?"I asked.
"Lat's see"she said with a smirk. "Nathan!"she yelled.

Nathan rushed into my room.

"What do you think of Lana's outfit?"She asks him.

He gazed at me, his blue eyes where all over my body.

"Seems fine"He said.
"Ok, Lana let's go"Candy said.
"What? Where are you going?"He asked.
"Lana and I are gonna go out so I can catch up with my best friend."
"Wearing That!?"He asked looking at me.
"What's wrong?"I asked.
"Baby, I can see your legs. Only I should see them. The skirt is too short and you look hot."
"Well thanks for the compliment. Please don't kill me but no, I'm not changing."
"Ok, I'm coming with you"He said.

Candy cleared her throat.

"I said my bestfriend and I where going out, I'm not gonna be a third wheel for the two if you."
"Nathan, then I'll get you a body guard."He said.
"Nathan, You are the only boy in this whole world that I love and if something happens to me I know you'll come running."

I took up my purse and walked over to him.

"Nothing is gonna happen to me"I said.

He ran out the room and came back, He took my purse and put a bottle of pepper spray in it.

"Be careful"he said.
"I will, I promise"

Candy and I walked out the room and went down to the hall.

"Hey Sebastian!"Candy Called out.
"Yes?"he asked.
"We need a ride, please."
"Sure"He said.

We all went outside, Sebastian opened the car door and we got in he closed the door and went inside the drivers seat.



Sorry this took soo long, I know you guys won't care about the reason why so I won't say. Thanks for reading.😁
© kel