

Love Between Two caste... part 1
It wasn't that long days back when he had Fallen in love with a girl..! his Name Was David.He lived in a small village and belonged to a higher Caste Where as the girl whom he had fallen in love Was from lower caste.Her name was Yawani..The boy David although Knowing That he cannot marry a or be with A lower caste girl.He went To meet Yawani to propose her.He was totally in love with her.He had fallen for her smile,kindness.David proposed her but she did not accepted Him cause of Society and family..David Everyday went to meet Her in school.. After Proposing yawani for 6days she finally accepted him and confessed that she too love him a lot but was scared of society and Family. They both secretly Started dating eachother..It is really hard to keep the love And relationship until death just cause of Society and family..Still now the differences between lower and higher caste Exist Separating many True lovers.After dating Eachother for 2months the villagers started doubting On them..1 day finally a villager complained about their Relationship to their family.David's parents was strictly against love Marraige with lower caste..They belived That Lower caste people are untouchable and unpure..keeping a Relationship with Lower caste would Bring Bad luck in their family and they would also be poor and Unpure...so They scolded David for loving a girl from lower Caste. his parents thought To arrange a Marraige between their son and a girl named Sanie.. yawani's parents were Disappointed Cause of Yawani and to avoid The insult done by Society They Arranged a Marraige with a guy named Yuv... Yawani's Marraige was to be done just 2days after David and Sanie's Marraige..Indeed, David and Yawani Both were True Lovers,They were Like a love birds who cannot live Without their love..They both Argued With their parents for Marrying a person whom they even don't know..

to be continued.....

© Vidhyasha