

simulation outbreak (part four)
"Promises were made to be kep not to be broken. Sometimes i wish that didn't have this power but in other time it's just waht i need. Now come with mei ahve alot of explaning to do.". I follow him back up stairs to see him looking for something then he grabes a controller and clicks a button. lots of things i had never seen in my whole started coming up there transepartent screens with wording that i somehow can read, there were weird buttons with shapes that i had never seen then he turned around and he point to a table. " Do you mind getting on that i don't know why but i did then a light started to shine in my face then before i could even say stop i black out. When i had woken upi had all these strange memories of water falling from the sky and then there were tiny little cold flakes falling and there was something called wind and the grass was brown it was ... differnet " I love it" i said. He smiled and said " your the one we have been looking for the breaker of the simulation the one that will set us all free from the grovernments hold." then he grabed myhand " h-HEY WHAT ARE YO - " "shhhhhh there here." then he pushed me into a pod straped me in and began driving this thing but it wasn't on the ground he called it flying.