

In this crazy world, there are 2types of people: the first one, who get scared, and the second one: who don't get scared, but a day before exam everyone get shit scared! But wait? what am I saying, lemme start from the beginning! So Students struggles everyday and people are blind to see that, teachers expect, parents depend and students Depressed: but the worst thing is the assignments and Project works, holidays are meant to have fun, but for a students ,it's like to work on ; there are 365 days in a year ,leap year 366 days , whether engineering or mbbs, MBA or MA, Bcom or BA the only thing Similar in all of us is how to complete the syllabus ASAP !!
Assignments and Project works are like old newspaper's, cause at the end it will only be a Scarp ,and after all this pain and sweat , there comes the Face of death,
Like Every year students has to face the Anxiety, I mean exams , exam is like a fever and medicine be like a hard work, if you take medicine on time, at the end it will always come good, but exams or fever its temporary but indeed very dangerous, sometimes it can kill a student; Students and labour are no difference, students work hard to earn Marks and labour for salary, Either way They both struggle ;
After the exam , the tension arise,and it's funny cause we live in such a society that, a day before the result, if you die and face God, even he is going to ask you " What's your roll no???
A person should sleeps for 8hours that's what physiology says, so 1 hour has 60min and 1min has 60sec that means 8hours = 28,800 sec , that's something not New here, everyone knows this, but a night before exam every students feel that!
From pensil To pen, Syllabus to books, hairstyle to Uniform, things change including syllabus and teachers
As time squares by, even the fear of results fades away, But at the end whether you pass or fail whether you Gradute or not, one thing is real - that 28,800 sec which is 8hours is indeed very less time for you to DREAM!!
Dream Big!