

🙂when I first learned how to peal garlic. I used to peal all it skin. I saw my mom not pealing all the skin clearly so I always give her lecture to peal the skin clearly "( It's not good thing"). later the days passed whenever I peal garlic I make sure to peal all it's skin. On April I went to my hometown to attend my sister's marriage. when the food preparation where going I saw the chef that he didn't peal the skin clearly I asked him "why ..." he angrily replied Who will peal 1 kg of garlic you" I thought it won't be that hard so I started to peal in anger. After pealing 1/4 I gave up.🙄 " it's very hard. The days passed again I visited my father's father's house and my mother's mother's house everyone were not pealing the skin properly so as usual I gave them leature to peal it properly but you know they never pealed the skin properly and after returning from hometown from then whenever I peal garlic I peal 50-50 skin. 😜
whenever I thinking of pealing garlic skin clearly my head bangs( who will do that much hard work)😅

😂 short story how I became lazy when it comes to pealing garlic skin 😂

I don't know what to post next. so I posted a stupid story of me.
Bad English + Grammar 🤦😅

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