

we are tired
Now that things are getting out of control, we are ready to unite as one against these brutality women are facing in this country.

we are tired of feeling unsafe. we are tired of feeling insecure, we can't even walk without watching our backs.

The female child can't leave the house once it is 8pm because it is not safe.
we are tired of being violated. we are tired of being at the receiving end, tired of always being the victim

The Female child can't walk peacefully on the street without hearing vulgar words from useless men because of her body.

we are humans and we have freedom to make choices even though it may hurt your ego as a man. our decisions must be respected.

it doesn't matter if I am married or not, I own my body. my body does not belong to you even if you are my husband or lover.
Men must realize that women are not possessions. So they don't belong to you. They have rights over themselves and to make their own decisions.

Respect our choices.