

Space to live chapter 5 rewrite
Now before we start today yes Space to live wouldve been cancelled but I rewrote the end to this book and altough it sounds like the way I end an SA with the cliche plot twist its better than not twisting it at all so please forgive me for quiting on this book and give me a chance to fix it by reading through this rewrite and enjoying it join the salvation and please OH PLEASE read the end


Ok...Ok...No.Not today.This time its a chapter of peace and love.THE LOVE OF BREAKING PEACE AND KILLING A LITTLE IDIOTIC HUMAAAAAAAAA...
Hey there salvation writing here just wanna say thanks for tuning in on todays chapter.I was in the mood to write a little love story so today will go a little more into the subject of love.I have a suprise for the reader at the end of todays chapter so make sure to read it threw and remember.Lets get into it for today.

Nick is dreaming.A bunch of puppies around him.He is licked by them and he lies in a field of roses.Until he hears screaming come from behind him ONLY TO SEE MELIODAS OUR GREAT HERO JUMP IN TO FIGHT THE DRAG...
Shu screams Nick awake.He screams and passes back out as Shu tries to get away.As they get sucked in he looks out to see jupiter the nearest planet at the time destroyed along with distant explosians.Shu doesnt believe what he see's as Neytiri looks at Shu scared and says
"I love yo..."
Shu and Neytiri both pass out sucked into the worm hole as it closes.All the explosian of planets as the universe they thought they knew gets destroyed.Shu dreams seeing his mother making food.Him sitting in his old living room drawing as a child.He looks up at his mother and says
"Your in a new universe,a new start and an entire new life really."
"Mom...I cant make this threw."
"Honey...The Evils...They wont stop...You need to make it threw...You need to fight and make sure theur stopped."
"I...I dont understand mo..mom dont go"
His mom and the room starts fading away
"Evil and Good are seen diffrent...Make sure you know which one is right."
The room completely gone Shu wakes up in the crashed ship to look outside and see fields over and over.A giant city in the distance.He wakes up Neytiri as she jokes
"Were you watching me sleep pervert."
"Neytiri as much as your jokes are just LOVEABLE we have a bigger problem right now."
Neytiri looks shy as Shu wakes up Nick.He doesnt wake up.
Neytiri looks outside and at the destroyed ship.
"What,you remembering your LOVE for this ship."
"Just shut up about that.This isnt the time for jokes."
Neytiri soumds mad as she opens the door and the planet has oxigyn.The two walk outside as their ship crashed in a field.They look up to see a ship flying toward the city.Bothe curious they start walking
"What the hell happend.Where are we."
Neytiri asks as Shu looks concerned remembering the universe more or less being destroyed and his mothers word of being in a new universe
"I...I dont think were in the right universe anymore."
"We went threw the wormhole.The earth was already gone and that ship looked pretty cool.Plus if you look up the reason this planet is so hot is because there are two sons."
"WHA...WHAT THE HELL...THE UNIVERSE...wow...not like the earth was there anyway...guess its just normal."
"Thats why I haevnt freaked out yet.Were safe for now but we still need food water and we need to think about what were gonna do."
"So just gonna go up to an alien race and calmly say:"Hey there were from another universe and we need to know whats going on." imagine its that easy"

Shu and Neytiri walk for a bit until they get to a front gate with a huge wall right before the city.Before Shu can talk a guard at the door says
"Hello there humans...Let me guess your from another universe and you need help."
"Ye...Yeah how did you know."
"Wormholes form all around weve encountered humans before...Your universe was unstable so allot on dimensional trouble.On top of that humans have come here before.Welcome to sector 4556 planet landmore...I mean planet lendbue."
"Lendbue...got it...can we get in and fimd food or..."
"Im sorry wha..."
"You need passports.I'll sjow you the way.You get passports you can move freely arpund our universe and buy food and whatever else you need."
Shocked in disbelief Shu and Neytiri walk threw a huge city with the guard.Weird creatures all with some strange thing about them.Crawling or floating with all types of body shapes and shows.Shu and Neytiri can barely believe it.The guard gets them to a place with a hovering title board over it in a language that they cant read.They go in as they meet with a little spider like creature says hello to them.He almost screams as he see's Shu's ring he got from the soldier man back at the station.
"Where did you find that ring?"The guard asks
"It was a gift."Shu awnsers.He lets the guard keep it for now and him and Neytiri take a photo and a lazer type of machine writes information on a card.Shu and Neytiri both Get handed the cards,clothes and then a bit of credits.Their explained that its like money accept it looks like nuts and bolts you can get in a toolbox.Shu tries to thank the guard and spieder creature until a gun shot from some sort of lazer shoots the guards hand open dropping Shu's ring on the floor.Looking where the gun shot came from he see's a group of two men and one woman.One man thinish with two revolver lazers guns a big fat man with a huge gun blue skin and one eye with tatoos and piercing on his bald head and the woman with pink skin a mowhawk black eyes with yellow puppils and a wip weopon.The main man who looks like a human says
"That rings been on this planet for a while with a huge energy signal."
Shu looks confused as the guard tries shooting at the man.He misses as the man shoot back killing the guard and the other man opens fire killing the spider creature and just missing Neytiri.Shu grabs the guards gun and jumps in cover as the ring starts glowing.Shu ignores it and shoots back just barely missing.Neytiri in cover behind him looks up and see's Nick piloting the ship over them trying to pick them up.Shu shoots blindly and hits a grenade from the big guy as it falls down.The other man and woman jump out of the way and Shu and Neytiri run toward the ship as a huge explosian mixed with colours goes of leaving a huge after shade of coloured gas.The other man and woman walk out of cover as they look at the ship fly away.The big man by the explosian doesnt even leave a trail of dust as he was blown away by the explosian.Frustrated the man walks away and the woman silently follows him.
"This isnt over...that ring...is mine."
The man says in a determaned voice.
Meanwhile the ship reaches space only to see a huge planet allot bigger than earth below them with ships flying in and out almost like an earth more evolved than poeple could imagine.Nick flies away until he thinks they reach a save area finnally being usefull.Shu looks at the ring only to see a blue glow fading away like a shadow in the sun.He walks into the oxigane room where the suits are stored and see's Neytiri sitting there silently leaning her head against the side of the window looking out into the vast horizon of the two suns pass by this bigger version of earth.
"Shu do you know why I said what I said why I act like I do?"
Shu keeps silent as Neytiri turns to him standing up with red eyes almost completely full of tears and an angry face.
"6 years Shu...I was trapped on that moon for six years...I went there with a full crew...and I saw them all die infront of my eyes powerless...I...I was dead inside...all the nights or days I would just remember their faces and remember it was all my fault...I would always remember how I was responsable for their deaths Shu!"
Neytiri screams in a cracked voice crying even more.She wants to yell again until Shu wraps his arms around her and hugs her.Her head against his chest and arms on her side she cries more as Shu says
"The pain of seeing someone die infront of you is a feeling I wouldnt wish on my worst enemy...I saw my dad drive into a truck head on without any warning car parts everywhere and his body flung out the winshield...if that wasnt enough I saw my mom die of cancer on her death bed infront of me...it hurts and you think its your fault but Neytiri it isnt...I red you mission report...It wasnt your fault."
His voice cracking.Neytiri wraps her arms around Shu and stops crying.The sunlight glares threw the glass of the window reflecting off into the room.The ship silent and peacefull the two break the hug and Neytiri stops crying.Only for Nick to run into the room and yell
"sorry to inturupt but we have another ship RIGHT BEHIND US!"
He tries to run back only to hit his head on the door frame and fall on the ground passed out.
"Why does he always end up asleep when something acctually happens!"Shu yells.

Another ship soon crashes into theirs.Shu and Neytiri fall over as Shu see's two poeple with white haur a man and a woman hovering in mid space foregead to forehead inside a core of energy.His ring shines brighter than ever as the core explodes he wakes back up in the ship.Filled with determenation.
"Shu are you ok?"Neytiri asks
"Yeah."he responds as he takes the gun he got from the guard and puts on his suit.
"Where are you going?"
"Im going to teach that cowboy douchebag not to mess with us."
"Well then Im in."
Shu and Neytiri both put on their suits as they float out and board the other ship.As their inside they take off their helmets.The woman with a wip weopon infront of them
"I got her."
Neytiri says as she nods at Shu to go ahead.He nods back as Neytiri charges the woman knocking both of them down Shu runs past as he gets another vision.He see's a scientist standing infront of the same energy core from before.
"Its unstable...at this rate the earth wont make it!"
The scientist yells as the vision ends.He wakes up in the ship shakes his head and runs on.He gets to the ships control panel and tries to initiate the self destruct sequence.
"Wow...yah know Ive seen people from other universes have some nice jewelry or something...but carying weopons like that ring with you."The other man walks up above a platform and says
"Weopon?"Shu asks
"I dont know all the details but THAT thing has a high bounty for retreavel after being stolen from a generous woman by a thief."
"Listen Im not here to fight you...you leave off now and I cancel this sequence we leave and you just leave us be."
"You making threats big man...no Ima teach you a lesson!"The man yells as he draws his guns and tries to shoot Shu.One bullet edges Shu on his shoulder the other misses.He dodges the rest as he shoots a pipe above making it fall.The man gets distracted by the pipe when Shu jumps out and hits him with the guns handle in the face.The man drops his guns and forces Shu into an arm lock making him drop his gun.

Shu elbows him in the nose.The man takes a few steps back as Shu recovers and tries to punch him twice once with each hand,the man dodges both and grabs the roof and swing kicks Shu with both legs onto the floor.Shu grabs the pipe on the floor from earlier as the man tries to kick Shu on the ground.Still lying down Shu dodges kicks the mans other foot forcing him to fall one side.Shu then jumps up and hits the man in the face making him fall to the ground.Shu then grabs his gun on the floor and aims at the man on the floor on his back.
"Who the hell are you?"
"Me?...Im the big spaceman."
Shu says as he slowly pulls the trigger.The bullet almost in slow motion curves out of the barrel threw the air and right threw the mans head leaving him bleeding and dead on the floor.Shu puts his helmet on as he see's the ship will explode in 30 seconds.He runs over to Neytiri To see the woman has her in a lock keeping down her arms with the wip.Shu aims the gun at the woman as she says
"Nah ah ahhh...put down that gun or misey dies."
"Too bad you forgot about the useless one."
Shu says as the woman looks back to see Nick.He hits the woman in the face with a pole and she drops the wip releasing Neytiri.Neytiri crouches away.Nick runs back into the ship and Shu shoots the woman in the head as she falls on the floor.The ship explodes.Shu grabs Neytiri and jumps into a near escape pod.the pod is half blown up.Nick safely in the ship.
"Im sorry...I realise this isnt the best time but what I said was out of my stupid mind and was jus..."Before Neyriri finishes the sentence Shu takes off his and her helmet to give her a passionete kiss.The ships exploding flames and parts fly by their pod.Everything feels slow motion as Neytiri and Shu blush.The sun from earlier barely glaring over the pod lighting it to look like a scene out of a movie.After a while they both slowly pull away looking eachother in the eyes.Shu puts on both of their helmets and jumps out of the pod with Neytiri just as the pod gets destroyed by a bigger part of the ship.Both get in their ship perfectly landing on their feet.
"Y..yeah it was."Neytiri says looking Shu in the eyes.
"Poof and shoof you can awake."
A high pitched voice of a man yells.The ground around the group fades away and they all scream to wake up in pods filled with water around their feet.Shu rips off sticky heart moniter types of wires attached to his chest and head.He looks forward too see a little man wearing a robe with a big heart on the back of it.He has a beard and a helmet in his left hand.
"Wh...what was that!?"
Nick yells.Neutiri looks outside a window too see all the planets back too normal they never blew up.
"We simulated and amazingly realistic experiment on you three to learn something about yourselves.To come to terms with their pasts and stop blaming themselves and even too fall in love.Oh and pass out...the fat one didnt learn anything spesial..."
"What the hell...You came into our ship and gave us some weird dream to learn something.The damn earth is gone what kind of sick game do you think this is!?"
Shu looses it jumping forward and grabbing the rather short man by his collar.Calmly the man responds
"We have a company we find those in need and make them realize how they feel...and while we do that we may take a small price of food and or maybe some supplies..."
Shu looks left too see hqlf of all their food gone with some oxigane suits and tanks.
"So yes...Enjoy your lives now that their changed."
The man says scared as he tries to run but he's grabbed by Shu.Shu lifts his fist and says
"I think your comrades left you...So what was it you changed our lives huh.What about we change yours!"
"Please no good sir I have been through so much I cannot end here."
Shu cant bring himself to punch the man because of his begging.He lowers his fist and sighs before putting the old man in one of the two escape pods with one bottle of water and two cookies.
"Lets hope your friends come back.Remember to ration and oh yeah remember how your life will change."
Nick yells.
"Maybe I learned something.Maybe I cant bring myself to hurt and old man..."
"Not now Nick...Maybe I just really want too be a good person for once."
Shu says as he presses the button to let the pod go fly off
"Maybe Im just better than qll of yo..."
Neytiri yells
Shu asks confused until he turns around to realise they were passing the sun and he had just sent the pod into it.The pod sets afire and Shu looks embarrased.
"M...Maybe he's still...alive."
Shu says until the pod explodes.
"Wow Shu you killed the old thief not even I would be so mean."
Nick says
"Wait a minute come on!"
"The wrath of Shu he send his enemies into the sun."
Neytiri says as the group laugh at him.
"Dont let it fase you the little bastard stole our food anyway its totally fine.Altough it does suck that we dont have much left."

As the group laugh a litlle skiny man bows down on one knee in a huge ship around guards armed with guns and armor stand in two desent rows down a long hallway leading to a huge computer.A woman stands there facing away.
"M...Maam the ring...its been found..."
"Send out the hunting squad now...That ring is mine.I'll get you back noah...I promise."
The skinny man runs back threw the hallway.

OK SO i only Rewrote the end because I was lazy but it does still work pretty well.Give me some credit I tried to fix it.Im going to rewtite chapter 6 and make it better aswell and hopefully fix SPACE TO LIVE I enjoy writing this book and I realise I miss it.I messed it up here on this chapter but hopefully you all enjoy it and thanks allot for all the support as of late.Space to live WILL from now on be coming back and be better so thank you all so much for your time reading.Join the salvation🌹

oh yeah umm suprise BOO!
© salvation writing