

Accept and learn
Life will not always go they way we want. The unexpected sometimes happens and we can't do anything about it. What are you going to do in the times where it seems everything is lost and when it seems your life has come to an end? Are you going to weary yourself down with crying and weeping over what happened? It's okay to fall but it's not okay to remain in your fall.

You've got know that your crying and weeping over what has happened will not solve anything but will stress you, all you need to do is to accept whatever that has happened as a thing of the past and learn the lessons you need to learn in those times. life is full of ups and downs, when you are up and everything is moving on well, enjoy and celebrate those moments but when down moments comes, accept them, learn the lessons and move on. Accepting certain situations doesn't mean you like what you are going through, but you accept them to be something that has happened and there's nothing you will do at that moment than to move on with your life .
It's not over until everything is over, so ones you are alive now, use every avenue and opportunity you get to groom and build your life beyond every circumstance.

© Pascal