

Story of a writer 📜
A writer is a person who writes not only for give advice or inspiration to others but also
for self satisfaction ,he/she always wants to write everything what he/she feels; I don't know about others but it's my feeling .
when everyone feels wind is like wind a writer has some exception
thought ,he/she has some new perception about that ,in his/her observation in our surrounding everything has live and motion .But it's quite funny 😁;
" imagination has power "; it is true , if you write something according to your feelings then by which you are writing that is imagination.
There are many kinds of writer some motivational , some patriotic,some cartoonist even a daily basis diary writer everybody has some unique power to give life to their chosen situation . That's why I always respect writers because inside a writer the sixth sense is more active than others 😄,
Who has only power to make invisible things to visible one 👏.