

It's getting chilly willie
and fog is drifting over the bogs
When your walking through the forbidden wood
You spot a house where you stood
You hear an Erie sound
and see there's nothing around
You just keep walking to find the house
I say Dont go inside,
Cuz you don't know what yoll find.
The house is disurted
Therefore its worth it
So then you just carry on into the horror pit
You enter in and scurry through the house
Just like that of a little mouse
and then cold chills happen
All of a sudden there are raddlings at the cabinets
Ghost all of a sudden rise with a great surprise
Wolves start howling and cats sckalling
Skull roll down the hallways
and bats start flying
You soon run fast cuz of the fear of dying
You run, run as fast as you can, you think they will never catch me
But then you are stopped by candy
Trees full of lolly pops
Leaves taskey of minty chops
Chocolate bark that give you a spark
Your trapped and can not stop eating
All the hauntings, their coming
Start retreating, before you can't stop gumming
They catch you and there's nothing you can do
They eat you and leave your bones among the stones
But not for long after you are gone
Your revenge springs only to daunt them with a taunting haunt
© Seth Epler