

Claps of thunder disturbed the sky, lighting crackled down to the trees causing them to explode in flames. A tree behind her father started to fall "father move!"she yelled dragging him closer to her .It fell beside him she patted her chest relieved,twigs and tweeting birds flew past them as the fire spread the harsh smell of smoke assailed her nose she sneezed rubbing it. the wind increased it's pace she squeezed her father's arm to calm down her bounding heart " father...why is this happening?" she asked as she covered her eyes against the harsh environment,her father looked at her with a blank expression "this is happening because the king wants you".


If..... you say beautiful, I would agree.

If..... you say exquisite,I would say true indeed

If..... you say breathtaking,I would say... perfect.

That....was.....Demoira for me, that was what it was to every Demoiran beautiful, exquisite and breathtaking.

Then, in the old times Demoira was a place hidden in the heart of the Earth, underground funny how one had to go through endless tunnels in search of Demoira.

Indeed....Demoira was a world on it's own filled with life and joy even it's own Sun and Moon wired right? but of course such was lost when we were forced to bring our land to the surface and move around constantly through Countries and Earths to protect ourselves from our sworn enemies the White Brothers.

But still.... Demoira was like Heaven on Earth with it's undefeatable beauty, it's glowing white houses and bountiful beautiful flowers lined up on walkways, grown in large gardens of the high court and smaller ones at everyone's backyard, placed in colourful pots to design the interior of our homes and even crawled on the walls.

Demoira had all sorts of unique and wonderful creatures like the naughty taloms and creeks these resembled the lion but it's feet's where modified into a tale for swimming, the bakets these had large ears used for flight and sharp long fangs and claws with thick golden brown skin and others like the mameths,snakes, the common birds and the very rare dragon which was a mystical creature of great power which when born is blessed with a human owner whom they serve till death and if such does happen they go down with them.

"How did they look like?"one of the children who had settled in front of the old lady asked. They were sitting in the old lady's front yard of her little house, she wore a plain white dress with a white scarf placed round her neck and sat on a rocking chair addressing the children who sat on the floor she had pots of flowers placed round her house to remind her of her home.

Scotch who had been listening to her through the window walked out through the front door wearing his usual grey suit, hands in pockets,he looked at the woman as she tried describing the ancient beast to the children illustrating with her hands and lightly rocking her chair.

She looked at him then smiled"that man over there"she stated pointing at him"is the son of the deceased head of Demoira, once our leader and king,I do believe he will bring back our pride Demoira to it's greatness again and put destruction to an end".

"because he has the power to?"a girl asked, the old lady hummed in agreement"yes! because he is born for power"she said scoth nodded at the woman and she nodded back,he looked away then walked down the steps to the walkway strolling away from the house.

He had what he wanted from her the Scythian ring: (a golden ring with a scorpion biting it's tail crested on it) safe and tucked away in infinity: (a dimension which serves as a safe place where things can be kept, it has endless space but accommodates things based on the people's energy) he mumbled a spell to summon a dark hole:( a dimension which one can use to travel to different places and Earths).

"Good luck my Prince!"the old lady shouted to his retreating back,he stopped then looked up as the dark hole cracked open in front of him like a breaking glass it's darkness seeming to want to engulf him and absorb his body. He ignored it's effect then smiled sadly staring at the dead darkened sky with the millions of mizits:(a purple sickly looking creature with big green eyes and multiple feets and gray wings it resembled an ant) flapping their shrill grey wings all moving towards the East with the same motive of destruction.

Sometimes I wish I was like everyone else blind to the truth of this World he thought sadly, he sighed "when this is over, I'll make sure I destroy the dark hole" he looked at it's discouraging sight, dark and empty, like it broke into the world's colourful image "it's how our problems started anyways" he mumbled walking into the dark hole, letting it pull him to his destination but refusing to give up his soul to it's constant plea and whisper of sweet dreams.

"Grandma Julia" one of the children called. "yes!"she jolted back into reality as the dark hole closed "do they have such cool cars like the one he just drove off in Demoira?" she laughed of course what they see is what they can comprehend nature decides what they should see " yah! do they?" another asked "I want one like his when I grow up" a girl squeeled

" Me too"

"it's so cool"

" awesome!"

the old lady watched them talk amongst themselves excitedly then smiled, she rose to leave dragging their attention back to her "even if the mizits are upon us, our Prince will save us, even if the White Brothers are determined to destroy us, he will protect us".

she walked past them to the door "do you really think so?" a little boy with wild green eyes asked she opened the door smiling st them"I do believe so my dear, go back home children, it's getting late and bad things are steering in Wintecombe your mothers would be worried".

"yes Grandma Julia" they replied in unison "thank you for the story" the little boy said as they raced down the steps laughing and talking excitedly, they separated to their different homes in small Wintecombe screaming good byes to each other.

She sighed as she watched them, the people in Wintecombe were usually nice and homly that was why she lived here, but since the steer of problems, the White Brothers coming from the past, the mizits invasion,the disruption of time violence has been the talk of the town but she knew too well we're this was leading to this was not her first nor her third experience.

She sighed" like tho others this Earth will fall but, I know deep down that they is always joy after perish" she said thinking of scoth one of the Worlds only hope she smiled sadly then walked into her home calmly shutting the door with her heart filled with a cool feeling..... a feeling of peace.