

Apologies for being Mia
Hey everyone, sorry for being Mia on Writco! Have been creating my new routine and introspecting myself on whether I'm on the right track or not? I realized I'm not, yet continuously thriving on my path, working out, cooking healthy food, following a healthy lifestyle, bringing in new books to read, developing my mind and skills. But no sooner I realized, that in the midst of all of this I forgot one prime thing which is.. Writing! Yes the one love which I always cherished during lockdown and forgot while enjoying my healthy happy social life!
But now there's no looking back, I'm back and now every Monday I'll be publishing one article or poem to get back in touch with my inner self and you all!!

Till then cheers 🥂😘 happy reading and writing!!💜❤️ Keep growing keep thriving always and forever!
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