

How well do u know me challenge
This a challenge frome to all of u so of u accept it tag it #how_well_challenge
It is gonna be a MCQ

1. If I win a lottery ticket what would I use it for?
1. Diamonds 2. Disney land
3. Villa. 4. You can guess

2. How am I
1. lazy 2. Active

3. Fav colour
1. Pink. 2. silver. 3. Royal blue

4. What do I like to drink
1. Hot cofee 2. Tea. 3. Coke

5. What would I rather
1. Save money 2. Shopping 🛍️

6. Which pet would I rather
1. puppy. 2. rabbit. 3. cat. 4. Fish

That's it I would love it if u would try it. If u do it tage it so that I can see yours (I have given the tag in the starting)