

The other side of the moon-3. 5
"So to what do I owe the pleasure of your presence tonight ? ",the man asked genially,a smile playing on his lips and his eyes so full of ominous joy.
He felt as if his legs has been cut out from under him.The sheer ignorant ease of the breath of the voice took his breath away.He felt fierce hot anger well up in him.His lips curled up in revulsion and he exhaled in a hiss.
"I know that my daughter was an unfortunate victim of a confrontation between two groups.I suspect you led one of them.The dead cannot be reborn.I only want my daughter's body.",he forced his voice to be clipped and professional. Emotions had no place here.
The splintering smirk of the man stretched across his lips,nearly tearing his face in half.He gritted his teeth together,resisting the urge to lash out.Silver tipped his head back,a thoughtful expression on his face.""Not possible,I am afraid",he dragged out the word as he tapped on his chin.He did not continue,ignoring Morris' furrowed brows.
"And,why is that,may I ask",he retorted back.
"Do you really want to know",he cheerfully asked,looking like he was having the time of his life.His mouth smelt of liquor which made Morris take a few step backwards. Morris' eyes turned hard, and then there was Silver's darkly amused visage.He looked like all of his Christmases have come together.
"She has been burned to crisp."
He stilled,complete silence reigning in the room.Unbidden,a image flashed across his mind of Hestia writhing on the floor,convulsing under the throes of pain,screaming for help… He flinched at the mental image,the colour draining out of his face.He knew it wasn't quite wasn't right but couldn't quite bring himself to correct it.He opened his mouth to say anything but nothing came out,his throat constricted to the point of breathlessness.
"Why ?"he whispered,his voice anguished with barely contained grief.
"She was a nuisance in the path.She did scream.We couldn't spare the effort to save his life,you see.",he quipped.
Morris gritted his teeth with the effort to msintain silence. Silver was still talking.Every word stung only fueled the fire burning inside the usually calm doctor.His knuckles whitened from clenching his fists too much.
"Do you fear no repercussions ?",he asked calmly,his voice sounding even foreign to himself.
"Well,should I ?",he chirped chherily."Let me think who will catch me.Hm...Why ! You of course!Oh,mighty Morris,please come forth and plunge the dagger into my very heart and rid me of my poisonous life.I implore you to end my miserable existence.",he laughed,a hearty guffaw."Come on",he urged him on as he threw the knife carelessly towards him."Take it.What's stopping you ?",he taunted , a feral grin on his face.
Burning rage hissed through his body like a deathly poison, screeching a demanded release in the form of unwanted violence.It was like a volcanic erupting,fury sweeping him off like ferocious waves.The wrath consumed like,engulfing his moralities and destroying his self.He couldn't hear anything through the rushing in his ears,the blood thudding loudly through his body and the air whistling in his cracking lungs too loud.The life under his skin felt like a crescendo he could no longer ignore.An insane urge to kill him,tear him to shreds took over him.Every fibre of his being rebelled with barely suppressed fury.Strangely,the thought of murder didn't repulse him like it usually would.

"Little Hestia would have loved it,wouldn't she ?",he murmured speculatively,looking palpably content with himself.
He lost it there.He moved swiftly.Even before Silver could so much as recover from the shock,he clamped his hand shut over his mouth and plunged the dagger right into his shoulder blades.Silver's eyes bulged and he flailed his limbs desperately to escape from his grasp.Despite his obvious superior physique,the wound slackened him.
He wanted to savour the sight of the disembodied body sprawled across the sofa,the horrified expression on his face.He felt an satisfaction.as he saw Silver convulse under spasms of pain."Do you like it better",he purred,his frigid breath lightly caressing Silver's chin.He looked up beeschingly at him,pleading for mercy.He enjoyed the rapturous ecstasy coursing through his veins,flooding his senses.He could perceive the euphoria crawling into him,sneaking into the darkest corners of his mind,devouring him,feeding him with a ruthless glee.He drank it in eagerly as he watched the blood dripping on the carpet, staining it.He took another step towards him,a dry laugh escaping his lips.Silver's eyes stared unseeingly to the ceiling,the remnants of his life-force slowly draining away from them.He stabbed him frenziedly,let the blood wash over his hands until his desire could be sated.He had never felt more alive , so exultant, so full of power.He watched him die. . .
Morris lifted his head and looked around the room.He needed an escape route.The guards would be here soon.They had not reacted to the pitiful screams on Silver's orders but the cameras would draw them in."He had most likely anticipated that the screams would be mine.",he chuckled quietly.Most of whom did come,did not come out.There...there . Adjacent to it,is a huge hulking tree.An branch is specifically pointed to the window,as if inviting one to leap out.Morris chuckled.The window serves as an taunting presence in the room,an elusive olive branch.He looked at his bloodied hands once more,a memoir of his glorious deed.He did not regret it,he thought,savagely quashing the small guilt-ridden part of his mind.

By:Agnik Biswas
© Ignite

Co-writen by:Dipro Mondal

https:(double slash)//writco.in/profile/Dipro5265