

Static Darkness (Part 1)
Everyone experiences dives differently, but each one resulting to hysteria in the end due to the violence and the sheer chaos. Claustrophobia is one of the many issues you're faced with once entering the massive cave systems, then the sense of dread floods your mind as you walk through the puddles of blood. "Another dead man walking." The veterans would say as they watch new faces enter what could be considered a "no man's land" of a cave. Barricades, busted subsonic rifles, mangled corpses, and the creatures that feed off of the dead. Their eyes gleaming when a flashlight pass over them. Snarls followed by a low growling could be heard as you draw near then they would scamper off, never confident enough to attack. Their darkened skin gave excellent camouflage for this environment. Only a few have been lucky to see these creatures up close. Their bodies resembling of what could've been once of lizards but crossed with some form of dog. Mutations and genetic testing did this to these creatures, turning them into genetic monsters. They're no longer once the creatures they were created to be due to the rapid evolution rate. I speak for both the ecosystem and the creatures that live within these caves. Never forgetting the genetic nightmares that have made this cave their hive. Once human but turned into a slender cannibalistic creature that was both agile and strong. Breed perfectly to traverse these caves. Entire teams sent to their deaths just to clear nests. I've watched as men have been ripped in half or had their jugular ripped out in front of me. I had been one of the few that had been there when they first emerged eight years ago, these Cave devils.
© theillusivewriter