

Kings and Queens
Short story!!

My king, Everlore, he's beautiful. He runs our kingdom with truth and grace. Me, Elenore, I'm nothing special. Or so it would seem. Everlore died yesterday. My kingdoms loyalty ended then. Without his head under the crown, who should they love? Who should the obey? Definitely not the queen who's only experience is watching her late husband. Definitely not the queen who knows nothing about agreements with neighboring kingdoms.

I'm lost in despair. My kingdom doubts my reliability. They think I should marry, they think I should give my legacy away. No. My children, Liesel and Marylan, are going to be rulers. They shouldnt have to watch their mother get shoved aside. They shouldn't BE shoved aside themselves, only to be replaced by my children with a man who is not their father. A man who will NEVER be their father.

I can't in good conscience let my kingdom be ruled by a man I don't trust nor love. I, Elenore Bazol, will rule my kingdom, with or without experience and expertise. My children will grow up loved by everyone. They will grow up to seeing their father in the cemetery every month. They won't be replaced, and neither will I. If my kingdom, or my family, is unable to see me ruling without hiding in my husband's shadow, then shame on them.

I will be the best ruler. Liesel will marry a loyal and lovely lady, and Marylan will marry a gentleman. I will love them unconditionally. Forever, I will rule.

A LITTLE NOTE FROM LADYBUGZ: Women, don't let anyone tell you you can't do something just because of you gender, race, religion, etc. Everyone is a person, and everyone deserves to be loved and cherished. Never forget it.
© Ladybugz