

Part Ways
Our words become sword because of our misunderstandings. Reality slapped me by the truth that it was just a set up that's why I became upset. I wanted to move on but my heart keeps on saying "move no". I'm done of this relationship, because the harder I tried to fix, the more I'm getting tired of it. Tears keeps on flowing upon my cheeks because of the things that have happen. I stare blankly at the sky thinking of you again. I cried in pain realizing that you dicer my heart through your deceiving personality. Darkness came and it dawned me that all the affections that I have for you sank reds. But fo the sake of my dying heart, I will tied end this relationship so that everything will be settled. Through this, I won't be bothered by you because in the first place, you are the reason why it ended..
© FloreSabs28