

self comparison
Often times we see people on social media platforms, other remarkable places doing great things and making impacts most times we tend to ask our selves silly questions such as. This person is doing well why is mine different. Have they written me out for success? One thing I have come to realise is that the moment you begin to compare your self with others you tend to kill the uniqueness in you .
what works for miss A may not work for miss B . You've heard that often times yet you stick with self comparison. Self comparison makes you a fake person. It disdain the real you and magnifies another person. It's good to desire and wish to be like someone but in your wishful thinking can you still remain you.
The shoker of the story is that the person you are competiting or trying to be like might just be a person with little but knows how to utilise it and then it seems big in your eyes . The person also could be someone who lives in extravagance but you have little or not yet you still want to like that person. Then in your trying to compare yourself with others you become covetous.

you see no good in you but you see good in what other people do.

Don't compare your self to another person.your journey in life differs from that if others. Every body is born to be great . A little trust in your self will do.
believe in your self.
regrets is never far from a person who compares him self to another.
I am uniquely different.
I am wonderfully made .
There is a legacy that only I can leave .