

Chapter Thirteen

Lana's P.O.V

"What would you do if someone killed me?"Nathan asked.

We were lying in my bed cuddling. His hands rapped around me, my hands playing in his hair.

"No-one is gonna kill you we'll be together forever"I said.
"But what if? Will you move on?"
"I don't know"I said.

I wasn't certain, I can't imagine my life without him. He is my everything and of he dies I'm gonna be dead too.

"Lana, if I die I want you to move on I don't want you to live a sad life without me. I want you to find someone he doesn't have to be like me and it doesn't have to be a boy either. If I die I want you to be happy"he said.
"Why are you saying this?"I asked.

What's going on

"Nathan! Are you gonna die!?"I asked.
"No"he said"Its just a what if"
"Please let's not have this conversation again"I said.

I think I'm gonna give him a taste of his own medicine.

"Nathan? what would you do if someone killed me"
"I'd move on and forget about you"he said.

I gasp.

"Nathan!"I yelled at him.
"I'm kidding! You are not gonna leave my world, you are always gonna be here with me"he said.

He gave me a kiss on the forehead.

"Yo! Nathan you sister is here again!"Mark said coming into my room without permission.

What the hell is wrong with these vampires, Do they not know how to knock! like what if one day I'm in here changing and they come in and see me naked.

"Sorry Lana, I'll knock next time"he said.

Forgot about there ability to tell what your thinking.

"What is my sister doing here again!?"Nathan asked.
"Wait who is your sister?"I asekd.
"Why would you want to know?"he asked me getting up.

I sat up.

"Bacause when I first came here you where in an argument with her so I'd like to know."I said.
"Ok, I'll tell you later"he said.
"I need you to tell me now!"I yelled at him.
"Ok I'm gonna leave now"Mark said, then left.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell"I said.
"It's ok"he said, scooping me up in his arms like I was nothing.
"Hey! I'm not a baby!"I said.
"You are my baby"he said.

I'm just gonna hide my blushing face.

He took me down to the first living room.

"Mady! please leave!"Kylo said.

Nathan put me down.

There was a fine young lady with a fair skin and straight black hair, she didn't look as bad as Nathan makes her.

"What are you doing here!?"he asked her.
"Oh come on my big brother, I'm here to see mother and father"
"Is that all"he asked.
"And I also need money"she said.
"First time you came here and wanted money it was to throw a pool party then there was the tatoo, then to moved to another country, then to-"
"Ok, I get it"she said.

Wow, she can't make her own money.

"But I promise this time I will not come back"she said.
"That's is exaxly, what you said the last time"Nathan said
"Whatevs. Who's the human"she asked looking at me.
"That's not your business"Nathan said.
"I get it she is yoir girlfriend"she said.
"And like I said it is none of your business"Nathan said.
"Hey little girl I'm just gonna tell you that my brother has been with twelve other girls and he always ends up leaving them so have gun while it last"she said.
"Mandy just go to your parents and do your whole begging act for money and be gone"Kylo said.
"No! she will not"Nathan and Mark said at the same time.

I know they are brothers but they didn't saw twins.

"Oooh, are we gonna have one more sibling fight, I wish Aby was here but that hunter killed her if she was here we both would've won this fight"she said.
"All of you stop!"I heard Nathan's mom said who came out if nowhere.

I'm starting to hate how fast these vampires can move now.

"Mandy, what are you doing here"Mrs.Jensen asked.
"Wow! mom hey, I missed you"Mandy said.
"I'm not your father you can brine him"Mrs.Jensen said.
"Yeah, I was hoping to see dad"Mandy said.
"Mandy, it's either you are apart of this family or not. I've already let one daughter go and lost her I am not gonna let another go"Mrs. Jensen said.
"Mom, I can kill a couple hunters I'm safe"Mandy said.
"I bet you can with a wooden stake pierce through your chest"Mrs.Jensen said.
"Where is dad?"Mandy asked.
"I told him that if he came down here I was gonna kill him myself"Mrs.Jensen said.
"Mom, just get dad and I'll be on my way"Mandy said.
"I don't think that's fair"I said.
"Excuse me! Nathan tell your girlfriend to shut up or I'll shut her up myself"she snapped.
"I'm just speaking the truth"I said.
"I think I'm gonna let her speak"Nathan said.
"So you came here for your dad right?"I asked Mandy.
"Yeah, duh"she said.
"Did you though of seeing your mom?"I asked.
"No, why would I"
"Did you dad carry you for nine-months?"
"Did she...."

I turned to Nathan and whispered in his ear.

"Do vampires feed there child breast milk?"
"No"he said.

I looked back at Mandy.

"Look I'm not saying you should choose your mom over your dad, I'm just saying that you are spoiled."
"Ok, that is it shut up brat"
"Ok whenever that one stage in life comes when you really need yoir mom you'll understand why I said this, I don't even have a mom but you do and you should appreciate that. But it is your choice and life, I can't control that"I said.
"She might be human but she's defiantly not scared of you"Nathan said laughing.
"You know what Mandy, you can stay for a while"Mark said.
"Um....mom.....C..C...can we t..talk?"Mandy asked Mrs.Jansen.
"Yes dear"she said, they both left.
"You are good, at least I won't have to worry when we have kids"Nathan said.
"Kids!!!Uh can you please remember that I'm 17 and there are certain things I can't do like having sex with you"I said.
"So do you want me to get you pregnant at 18?"he asked me.
"No!"I said.

Nathan's P.O.V

Too bad you would have a baby at 18 if you take the bite.

"Anyways let's talk about something else"She said.
"Like?"I asekd.
"Your sister and why you hate her so much"she said.
"Ok"I said.

We both sat in the sofa.

"My sister is a gold-digger she only hangs out with guys with lots of money"I said.
"That was obvious, But that doesn't explain why you hate her"she said.
"Did I tell you about Olivia"
"Your mom did, she's one of your exs"she said.
"When I broke up with her after she cheated, my sister and her made some plans. One morning I woke up and saw Olivia sitting on top of me with a wooden stake in her hand"

Two yeas ago

Nathan's P.O.V

"What are you doing?"I asked.
"I was sent here to kill you, but now that I see your cute face I don't think I have the guts to do that"she said.
"Who sent you?"I asked.
"She told me not to talk"She said.
"So it's obviously a girl"I said.

She dropped the stake

"Where you seriously gonna kill me?"I asked.
"Hey! you broke up with me"She said.
"You cheated"I said, pushing her off me.


Nathan's P.O.V

"When I got up and turned my back she stabbed the stake through my super back it coming out my chest."I said.
"Your sister set her up to kill you?"She asked me.
"I told mom about it and then she sent her away, she only comes back because dad loves her more and gives her whatever she wants"I said.
"I was right she is a spoiled girl"She said.
"Yeah she really is"I said.
