

Her eyes stole my heart, piercing through the barriers of my soul as she gazed at me with a depth that ignited an unfamiliar fire within. Deep pools of hazel that seemed to hold the secrets of the universe, beckoning me to unravel the mysteries they concealed. In that moment, I surrendered my heart willingly, succumbing to the enchantment that her mere gaze invoked.

But it was her smile, oh, her smile! Like a celestial sunrise, it breathed life into the darkest corners of my existence. Each time she parted her lips and allowed that radiance to grace me, it felt as if the world had found its balance once more. It was an ethereal melody, an intoxicating elixir that filled the voids of my being with immeasurable joy, healing the wounds of a tormented heart.

In her presence, I soared to heights unseen, liberated from the mundane and levitated into a realm where time lost all meaning. Each encounter with her was an ephemeral escape from the rigidity of reality, as if we were the only two souls existing in a universe tailor-made for our eternal bliss. The world became a vibrant canvas, painted with the hues of her laughter and the warmth of her touch.

Ah, her touch! The mere memory of it sends an electric current coursing through my veins, igniting a wildfire of longing that consumes every fiber of my being. Her delicate fingertips, like silken feathers, traced patterns of euphoria upon my skin, their gentle caress leaving me breathless, yearning for more. With each embrace, I reveled in the magic that her touch bestowed, as if I were being brought to life through the symphony of her fingertips dancing upon my soul.

Yet, with every moment of elation, there lingered a bitter undercurrent of apprehension. For her presence was ephemeral, a fleeting mirage that vanished before my eyes. Like a rare celestial event that graces the night sky and disappears with the dawn, her essence was a fragile melody in the grand symphony of life. I feared that one day I would awaken from this dream, only to find her a distant memory, forever lost to the depths of time.

But, even in the face of this imminent departure, I choose to embrace the ephemeral nature of our connection. For within those stolen moments, I discovered the profound beauty that resides in transience. It is in the brevity of our encounters that every touch becomes sacred, every stolen glance a testament to our unspoken ardor. In the ephemeral ecstasy of her presence, I learned to cherish each passing second, knowing that its impermanence only magnifies its worth.

So, i let her steal my heart with those bewitching hazel eyes. Let her smile breathe life into my every waking moment. Let her presence elevate me beyond the boundaries of reality. And let her touch forever leave me breathless, for even if it fades into the annals of time, the memory of her will forever endure. In this ephemeral dance of love and longing, I find solace, for it is here that our souls intertwine, forever entangled in the tapestry of eternity.
© Jevanjee