

About computer. (detailed and easyway)💯
Learn it in my way that is easiest and catchyway.

1. Computer is essential part of our daily life. Where we solve our daily basic to moderate even higher task that we need in related work like database, graphics (gaming) and web browser, spreadsheets,presentation and so on.

2. Computer defination related to their working process ---it includes various units that r given below.

A- Input- we give command pc to solve the task.
By input devices like- keyboard,mouse, joystick(for playing games).

B- 📀Storage- pc keeps input and send it into your ram storage and then cpu for processing the data.that you Put in pc.

C- ⏳Processing of your input-The data will process by you pc cpu it analysis your task such as calculation,gaming, video, audio or any task that you want. All data input processed by your cpu.(processor)which is in-built in your pc.

D- It gives you output by process and analysis input that you put.

computer include motherboard, cpu(processor),RAM.(Random access memory), storage device like hard disk (hdd)

💿SSD-Solid disk dive.Now a days,SSD is better and Fast than hdd, due to its operating properties.

SSD runs in digital form like your pendrive works.

Hdd has mechanical structured which has mechanical platter like DVD drive so, it revolve like cd.then read your hdd information.
hope your query related solved.
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written by- RohitSingh.

© own life Director.