

The Last tear: Part 1
She was breathing aimlessly while reading something from her phone. Tears were just about to come but she controlled them as soon as she saw Aamna.Aamna was standing at the door and constantly looking her as if she knew everything. Looking at her Amira spoke,“Why are you here?”

Amira,Aamna and Danah were three sisters. Amira the eldest, didn't like Aamna much niether Aamna do like both Amira and Danah. But Amira loved Danah by heart.
Danah was youngest of all who was sweet and innocent girl , just wanted to bring her sisters together.
There parents died in an accident long ago which was only seen by there Uncle Aqib. But according to Amira he was the murderer of there parents.

What Amira read in her phone that made her so anxious?
Was her suspect to her uncle as a murderer was right?
Let's know in the next part.

© Beauty writes