

The secret of mastery
I remembered a small incident happened once in the life of a great painter Leonardo The Vinci. Everyone knows him,if not him then his paintings must be,"Monalisa" I guess. It happened once in the street of Itlay.He was roaming and got encountered by an anonymous woman. She was happy to find him. At that time there used to be no cellphones, no cameras , nothing but the autograph that she took finally from the Leonardo The Vinci. But along with the autograph she finally requested him to paint something for her as a soveneir. yup, That was something asking for too much. But it happens generally when we encounter a celebrity, we often request them to sing a song, or perform an act depending upon their caliber or talent.
So The painter "Leonardo The Vinci", took out the pencil from his pocket and drew a picture in less than five minutes and handed over it to the woman who was standing by his side.
The woman was taken aback by the incident . she was mesmerized as to how quickly he drew up something that is like once in a blue moon. Leonardo gently asked the woman, " Do you know , What is the cost of this painting ?" The woman said, "No I don't have the idea but since you have drawn this picture then it's value must be in millions dollars." Leonardo replied, " Yes this is a masterpiece, and ofcourse one could easily sell it in millions or billions but the truth is it is priceless. "
The woman was shocked as how is it possible for someone to draw something in less than five minutes that could got sold in millions or billions dollar. The woman urged him to teach her to draw something in five minutes that that is priceless. The Leonardo chuckled and said, " Mam, it has taken me years and years to learn to draw something in five minutes that is priceless. "
The secret lies in the smallest thing, focus on the smallest thing rather than focusing on a whole or a bigger picture. Brick by brick magnificent mansion is created. Nothing happens overnight.Rome was not built in a day. If you focus on the smallest thing the rest will take care of themselves.

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