

Love Story with You❤️🌙
Well, I look at the moon because I couldn't find you when I looked for you, they say people replace people,
So I replaced people with the moon because replacing people with people is like replacing a star with another star, isn't it wrong?
So i replaced the star with the moon because the moon was alone too.

I love the sky not only because it is the sky you can look at when surprised, sometimes in pain, often in sadness but also because I admire how it stays, how it stays always, season changes but the sky stays the same, I love how kind is sky to the moon, it gives the moon its share of belongingness among the stars too.

One fine day, when in love I fell, I looked for the one I thought I was falling with but he was nowhere to be found, and then I looked at the sky and I found one.

They say who falls in love with the sky and moon, it's like a story that you are living on your own, but I say in the world when one canfall for someone who can leave any momentor might not, why can't I fall for someone who stays, when I was afraid the whole night and
looked for light there was the moon peeping inthrough the window, and the next day the sun was there so that I don't have to wait for the light the whole day, this is how the sky and the moon stays, one is my lover and the other is the friend who listens.
© nilacibi