

Eyes, eyes solely can express everything. Don't know about you or everyone but to me it feels true and unreal simultaneously . People around me say that I have the most beautiful eyes in the world. My eyes are hazel in colour with a royal blueish touch, I too like them. Actually my beauty was a mere result of an experiment. Although the experiment turned out to be a failure but these eyes are not normal as far as I know. These eyes originally belonged to a women of 35 yrs old. I can't say she looked beautiful when I met her but I'm sure that she was once.
When I saw her I thought it was a corpse! Her hands were tied with metalic chains and her legs too. I don't think she could move a inch on that bed. I was set incharge of her for a week cause the people who bought me here wanted me to learn as quickly as possible. I slept in that lady's room for more than a week and I already started to gave up. I tried to search a route for outside but it was no use. The lady told me about herself, I used to sit or lie down next to her not because she used to speak very slowly. I used to lie next to her cause it felt like I was lying close to my mother. She told me how she ended up being here and how Terribly she was treated. Next day I saw that the bed was empty, I tried to get up but felt unable then I realized why she is not here. The people who bought me here got their new test subject. The man who used to come everyday was changed. He was old man with skinny body who used to bring some food occasionally for her. Now there is this strange and giant man with beard who is coming to change my bottle of glucose. He shifted me into a dark, dusty and suffocating room. Probably for his own profit. It was pitch black in there, after a while I couldn't even understand whether my eyes we're shut or not. He never used to bring food and sometimes he even forget to change the bottle. Sometimes he used to beat me relentlessly and brutally, sometimes he used to come just to please him though I was a kid that doesn't seemed to bother him in the slightest.
Seldomly I wonder how much time have been past. Due to the drug they give me I sleep more than usual and it's always dark, so I can't even get an idea of whether it's day or night. I often wonder about how my mother is doing, she was sick when I last saw her. When My father died in a car accident. Unfortunately I and my mother survived the accident. I never thought that I'd thought to commit suicide but when I heard that my mother sold me to such people after knowing the fact that the chances of my survival are less than 1.5% I just couldn't help myself.

𝘼𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙣 𝙖 𝙮𝙚𝙖𝙧.....
I think my operation turned out to be a failure but somehow I didn't die maybe I'm not lucky enough to die yet. I overheard the conversation. They are not going to kill me they are going to transport me somewhere.

If they are not going to transfer me someone who is good then they don't have to be necessarily bad too. They put me into a drum and they haven't even thrown the contaminated water. I've been travelling from two days in this drum. My body is swellen up from the water, my scars are grown bigger though I can't see them still I can feel it. I think I have reached my destination, maybe I am outside the truck now cause it feels chilling. According to me I've spend all the night outside the truck and no one came to check on me. It's morning time, the sun rays are coming through holes. And the water in the drum; it looks so beautiful.........
I heard a voice of a women, oh! She is trying to open the lid of drum. "Jesus! What the hell, is she already dead? " I tried to look up but i couldn't. I have grown majorly weak. The women was gone maybe cause of smell but i knew that it was my only chance to live again. I tried my best to stand up. My feets were numb cause of staying in water too long but after so much of efforts I stood up.

Can't express how happy I am right now ; after so much time I've smelled the fresh air and looked up at the sky. The sky was unusually bright. I kept grazing at it suddenly I saw that women again. At first she got shocked when she saw me standing. She took a long breath, came near me and said, "come out of that drum or else you will catch a cold", I started to get myself out of it but soon enough she realized that it will take ages for me to do that. At first she hesitated, she took a long deep breath and embraced me in order to take me out; I just burst into tears, maybe I wasn't searching for sunlight Or an open sky, all this time maybe I was longing for some warmness....
She took me out, holded my hand and took me to the backside for her house. There was garden, full of flower and the prettiest one was the white one.
She started to take my clothes off in order to clean me, when she tooked off my shirt she couldn't move her hands and I was just standing there and tryin' to know why was her eyes were slowly filling up with tears. She was constantly looking at every inch of my body, I looked down ...
I think probably I shouldn't have done that, I saw all my scars; old and fresh. I saw my pale skin covered with purple like the clouds in the sky. She took the longest breath she could have taken and then continued....

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