

Short story of my other 'room'
Trying to describe 'him'. Stranger that used to know me well.

I met him like few years ago. Un-organized moment. He tried to work with my bos. Have you ever got the electric feeling when you meet someone, and then your heart says 'you will have something with this person'? Me? Twice. And this guy that I am trying to tell you the stories, honestly, was the second human who sent me that feeling.

Yeah it is right. My heart like a hotel. Has many rooms inside.
But I fell to this guy so much.

He married. Blame me. Judge me. Swear me.

He was played on me but then he fell into me, that was I believed on.
We made up, we broke up, all the years. We met at hotel around our zone, we hanged over, we were just forgot that we were even not to be. He's married and I have other guy kind of long-save-relationship.

He was a nice guy. He never promise me that one day we will be one. And I never ask him to leave her for me. I was happy enough for the moments that we shared. He respected me. He loved me. Yet, he gone to his country. With his wife of course.

One day, I messed up, I contacted his wife and sent everything about 'us'. And then after that he blocked me. Yay, all of you should be happy for this. I tried contacted him again few months ago and I got wrong number.

This story shoulf not be told.

I want him back and I know it would never comes true.
For now, I enjoyed the moments when I miss him badly, played our songs, played the moments in my head. Thats all that I can do.

All that I can tell is, think a 1000 times again everytime we decide to do something bad to someone that you know you will miss them one day.