

He was the busiest man in the world. Yet, somehow he made it to your Annual Day, your Birthday, your Graduation.
Even when you yelled.....
"Dad, leave me alone!" he was there....
He didn't hesitate to fulfill your dreams, although it meant giving up a few of his own.....

You asked her anything, anytime and she gets things done right.
Her mere presence, her smile, her single touch takes away all the worries and fills them with joy and happiness.
She is a Mother, a Best Friend, a Guide, and the Best Critic.
She is Everything !
And probably I don't know how to function at times without she being around.

I will never know of all the things he has done for me.
Just the little things, saving a seat on the bus, tying my shoe lace, or taking the blame.
Now the years have passed,
But when he is around, I am still the girl without a care in the world.
He is my alibi, my punching bag, MY BROTHER.

All these people around me have helped me in being the person I am. They never fail to entertain me and above all INSPIRE me.
So I do say it every now and then My Dreams are just not Mine.

#writcowriters #writcoapp
#writeco #relationships #inspiration #family #letter #writecostory

© Tanvi Dalvi