

The Adventures of A Chocolate Labrador Retriever 4
She really was an very intelligent dog. Most of my pets over the years had that quality. Samba my first official pet (a Siamese Blue-Point Cat). Yeah female not my choice but my mom’s decision. She brought her home for me one day after work.

She was visiting from Richmond and thought it would be a nice surprise. Yeah, I said visit, I lived with my aunt; will get around to that story a little later. Well, like Pepper, not everyone thought it was a great surprise. She was beautiful; she was tan with dark brown points and the deepest blue eyes.

She was just old enough to have been weaned from her mother. Being a cat the transition started off smooth. Everything thought this wasn’t so bad; well until she had to be spaded. When she returned home she became somewhat of a challenge.

How do you keep a cat quite and still until her incision heals? You just don’t; no one thought about a cage at the time. The idea (mine) was that she would sleep on my chest the whole night. Well, I was only seven and in the second grade; it sounded like an okay plan.

Samba had ideas of her own; she decided to sleep perched on the top of the bedroom door. Who was going to argue with that? It was just to late to worry about it. The next morning all seemed back to normal. At least that is what everyone thought and for awhile it appeared to be true.

Once the stitches were removed Samba became a different cat. It was as if she became possessed; she would have these running sprees throughout the house and nothing was safe. We performed disaster control as much as possible.

When I say nothing, I mean absolutely nothing was safe. She would take off running through the house and we were right behind her catching everything that her path crossed. Ashtrays, plants, lamps, Knick knacks; you name it and it when flying in her wake.

The final incident was it for my aunt. Samba took off running; I don’t believe my brother and I helped matters much. We were trying to catch her before any damage occurred. It was as if suddenly she developed superpowers. Up the drapes she went but her return trip to earth she chose the curtains (sheers). Yeah!
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