

The Paradise Island Part-4
The story was cordinated by the following:
Summary: @Vaish2620
Part 1 : @Wafzz
Part 2 : @Grace1635
Part 3 : @Vaish2620
Part 4

Bill : Bro...wait up. It keeps getting interesting.

Amanda : Are you sure?

Bill : Yeah yeah, trust me.

Bill : The king was really modernised. He kept challenges....
( his voice drifting away )

Kathy : Read it out loud Bill. Not just to yourself.
Bill got up, started pacing the small room.
Jack : Bill, calm down. What happened?

Amanda and Kathy : Tell us Bill.

Bill : This is so cool. The king is clever. This was set up.

All together : What??

Bill : Ok, let me explain. The writer here said that the king was interested in dark arts, but, there were no such thing as magic included in this. It was to scare his father, who, was trying to sell their palace and kingdom to the British, so that they could construct a factory.

Amanda : Wait a minute, how do you know all this?

Bill : It is in this book. Apparently, this book is called the " Book of Dawn ", but, there are more interesting facts about the king. Since being upset with his father, he came to this island. To live carefree. He wanted teens to be clever. So he set this all up. He brought us here.

Wait what? My brain was gonna explode. How the hell did Bill read all that? He is saying it as if it was him.

When he mentioned about this being setting up, I was dreaming about the day I got these tickets.
Kathy : Mom, what are you doing down?

Kathy's Mom : Um...there is this package down. It's for you. Some tickets I bet.

Kathy : Tickets? By whom?

Kathy's Mom : I don't know. Come down and take it.

Kathy : Ok ( Going down. )
( Opening the package with no details )

Kathy : Mom, these are the tickets to a vacation. I guess it's from dad. Are you gonna come?

Kathy's Mom : I guess no darling, I have other work. You can go with your friends.

Kathy : Ok mom.

I blowed out of that vision, came back to reality. I could see that everyone got up.

Bill was talking to himself.

Bill : .......

Jack : Are you all right Bill?

Bill : Do you think the king was doing the correct thing? Testing the children?

Kathy : Ummm....bro...chill down. I do not know. Why are you so angry?
He was slowly walking towards us. He was fierce. He looked really angry for some reason.

He was coming. We were scared.

Jack : Bill, stop coming close.

Amanda : Stop it Bill, you are scaring me.

Kathy : Bill, stop right there.

He did not care. He kept muttering to himself.

Bill : He was right. Always right. Always and always.

Then, I fell. Everything was dark. I woke up, realising that, it was a dream.

Kathy : Guys, wake up. Wake up. Where are we?

Amanda : Ahhh..my head hurts. Where are we?

Jack : Bill? Bill? Where are you? Where are we?

Unknown : Where you should be....

Who is that person? Where is John? Where is Bill? Why did Bill become insane?

Stay tuned to unleash more MYSTERIES.


These are the people collabrating. Stay tuned.

Next to be posted by : @Nancy20
© Bts_Anju