

A pleasing personality is easy to recognise but hard to define. If anyone ask me what make me feel if a person is having pleasing personality I will say, it is the way he walks, he dresses up, his voice texture, his way of talking, the warmth in his behaviour and the level of confidence. So overall a pleasing personality is a combination of attitude, behaviour and expression.

There are several factors one should be considerate of while building a positive personality.

The first and foremost is character. Personality without character is just like good looks without goodness which becomes unacceptable after sometime. You can easily identify the sugarcoating. What it proves is a lasting impression requires both character and charm.

Never forget LIFE is a boomerang. We get back in life, what we give to others. If not from the same person but from anyone around. Benjamin Franklin once said "When you are good to others, you are best to yourself." Like I said in my last article if you are not peaceful with yourself you cannot maintain peace with others. You have to value yourself first to know the
worth of others. Whether it is your thoughts, actions or behaviour sooner or later they return and with great accuracy. Treat people the way you want to be treated of- with respect, on your way up. Because you will be meeting the same people on your way down. Goodness has its own way of coming back and that's the law of nature. But if you do good with a desire, to get goodness back in return, it is no more goodness rather a business.

The second most important thing which need to be taken care of is EGO. It is the biggest hurdle in building a positive personality. It is nothing but the unhealthy pride and is self-intoxicating in nature. An ego centric person has "I KNOW IT ALL" attitude and his world begin, end and revolve around himself.

Another deciding factor is to know the difference between self-interest and selfishness. Both are opposite. Selfishness is dangerous and destructive where as self interest is based on positive values. Self-interest does not believe in win-loss principle rather it says "we both can win together". It is unharmful in a relationship.

One more important feature is having an open mind, not an empty mind. Empty mind is a dumping yard. It accepts without evaluation. We get so influenced that we tend to forget about cleanliness and positivity of our mind. If we are not tolerating a person who is dumping garbage inside our house, why do we allow others to dump garbage into our minds; either in person or through media? Don't let others to pollute your mind. Having an open mind make you more flexible. It automatically sets a filter in your head to accept or reject ideas.

Can we change other's behaviour? The answer is NO. But we can definitely change ourselves. Other's behaviour is the reaction to our behaviour towards them. We always see things not the way they are but the way we are. In order to create a positive environment around us, we should possess a positive personality, and radiates positive energy and vibes.