

Life is imperfect.
Everyone wants to be free, free of thoughts, free of worries, free of chaos of life, to get free of every disturbing and discouraging idea and feeling. We all desire to have a life, contented with perfection and happiness.
Often, we stand on the point, where we decide not to let depression, worries and sadness come into our lives. We are often determined to be careful and perfect for our future. We often start from zero, to insure that this time we will be better. We often decide to change our behaviour towards people, things and problems.
Infact we try to change ourselves completely, to get the attention and care we are missing. We often work hard to fit in people's standards.
There are so many things which we desire and crave for, being free and being perfect are our main aims.
But in reality, we are not perfect, We can't always have what we aim for. We will get hurt if someone hurt us, we can't stop those. Sadness will come to us even if we ignore it. Thoughts will never stop coming in our minds, even we sleep, meditate or whatever we do. We can't erase or close our eyes to reality. If we are poor, we need to get going towards betterment, if we're rich we need to be humble. If we're Black we have our own class , if we're White we should show best of humanity. If we're intelligent or not, we have to deal for whats better for us.
Infact ,
" Life is a series of imperfect events happening with imperfect creatures".

We are helpless against destiny. The only thing we can do is to accept and move on. That's the only way we can heal. Believing in what you are and what you can do. Live the imperfect life, its Beautiful.

© Haider Writes