

Caught Red-Handed - Episode 3a
As the first rays of dawn illuminated the sprawling estate, a massive truck rumbled down the driveway and parked with a heavy thud in front of the mansion. The engine's roar subsided, leaving a thick silence punctuated only by the distant chirping of morning birds.

Inside the grand living room, Shelly was sprawled on a plush velvet couch, her blue eyes glued to a Spider-Man series flickering on the TV. The room, adorned with family portraits and elegant paintings, was bathed in the TV’s blue glow.

"Shelly, can you please change the channel?" Jess called from the doorway, arms crossed and hair tousled from sleep. Dressed in a loose sweatshirt and pajama pants, she was clearly not ready for the day.

Without tearing her gaze from the screen, Shelly responded, "Uhm....no..?, Jess. It's the best show ever!" Her long, black curly hair framed a face alight with excitement.

Jess sighed. "Does it always have to be Spider-Man? There's a whole world of TV out there."

Ignoring Jess's plea, Shelly clutched the remote tighter. "Mom said today is all me," she declared triumphantly. Jess's eyes widened in disbelief. "She said what? All what?"

"All me," Shelly repeated smugly.

Jess's face darkened with a mix of anger and disbelief. "We’ll see about that," she hissed, her voice low and threatening.

Astrid, munching cereal at the breakfast nook, chimed in, "Oh, come on Jess, Kids take all the love nowadays." Jess shot her a glare. "Astrid, I thought you were on my side for once!"

Astrid shrugged nonchalantly. "At least Spider-Man’s got action. You watch boring documentaries."

"By the way, it’s not a clown documentary," Jess snapped, her patience wearing thin.

Jess sat on the couch, glaring at the TV, her frustration boiling over. Shelly, absorbed in the show, exclaimed, "Look at that, Jess! Isn’t that awesome?"

Jess muttered under her breath, "Then I'll just have to let my intrusive thoughts win." She was about to snatch the remote when Shelly pointed out the window. "There's a truck parked outside."

Jess stumbled, distracted. "Okay and...?" she muttered, trying to regain composure.

Their mother’s voice boomed from upstairs, "Jess! Tell the man to move the truck!"

Jess, exasperated, muttered, "Always me." She stomped outside, followed by Shelly.

The truck, dirty and out of place against the pristine mansion, was parked haphazardly. Jess cleared her throat loudly. "Excuse me, sir, could you move your truck?"

There was no response. Shelly peered through the windows. "No one’s inside," she announced.

"Yeah, I noticed," Jess snapped. Shelly, curious, popped open the boot. "And it's filled with chocolate."

Jess’s eyes widened. "Did you say chocolate?" She darted to the back of the van. "This is insane."

Shelly, concerned, said, "We can't just take it. That’s stealing."

Jess, eyes sparkling with mischief, suggested, "Maybe we could sample a little. To make sure it’s real chocolate."

Shelly hesitated but eventually agreed. They each took a piece, savoring the rich, sweet flavor. "This is amazing," Jess said.

Shelly looked around nervously. "We should go before we get caught."

Jess stopped her. "Maybe the owner is a thief. We should hold onto it for a bit."

Shelly, torn between excitement and guilt, agreed. They quickly moved the boxes inside, hiding them in Shelly’s room, the garage, and even their mother’s room.

Back inside, Jess confidently maneuvered the truck into a ditch. Shelly watched in horror. "That's kindness?" she asked.

"Yeah," Jess replied, unfazed. "Now let’s get these chocolates to safe places."

In Shelly’s room, surrounded by half-unwrapped bars, they savored their spoils. Jess, sprawled on the floor, meticulously drew a map of the house. "We’ll sneak out when everyone’s distracted," she explained.

Shelly, eyes wide with anticipation, asked, "What if we get caught?"

Jess, her pencil hovering over the map, said firmly, "We won’t. But if we do, stick to the plan. Split up, hide the chocolate, and meet back here. Understood?"

As footsteps approached, Jess hissed, "Quick, hide the map!" They scrambled to gather the paper, their hearts pounding with the thrill of their secret mission.

© Cipherization