

Silent Night
So lately I've been working the graveyard shift in a gov building. I come in at 10 pm then leave at 6 am. Very quiet place, but nice.

So last night at 2 am I had just closed the main gate, which is similar to a jail cell door, and I was about to go back inside to the hall when someone called to me.

'...ng in?', I heard.

I turned around and I jumped. There was this guy, really close to the iron bars, just standing there, in the dark, looking right at me, with a half-smile on his face. Couldn't make out his features, but his eyes reflected the light weirdly coming from the hall.

I composed myself and asked him if he needed something.
'Are you coming?', he said.

I still wasn't able to identify his face, but I wouldn't get any closer. There was something off in the air.

'Sir, we're closed until tomorrow morning, but if you need help, I could call an ambu

'Are you coming?', he interrupted. His eye twitched ever so slightly, and then it dawned on me that he wasn't talking to me... but to someone behind me.

I was alone. There was no one else on the ground floor, and there still wasn't when I turned around. The hall was silent and empty.

Then I felt a cold draft going right through me.
I looked back at the man.

For a moment it looked like he was not behind but in front of the iron bars.

I reached for my baton, but just as I did, the man just... melted back behind the gate? He was behind bars again, and just... turned to his left and walked out of my sight, still with that half-smile in his face.

'That's good', I heard him say with quiet joy.

Nothing else happened for the rest of the night but, needless to say, I'm leaving the night shift whenever possible.
© Olatunde Gbenuola